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== ciddeh words of wonderment!! ==
== ciddeh words of wonderment!! ==
attackles ju wit meh ciddeh fangirl powars!!111!! hearts ya ;)
attackles ju wit meh ciddeh fangirl powars!!111!! hearts ya ;)
also rainbowfys youre page, enjoy!: <font face="Comic Sans MS" size="4">
<b><font color="">Zomg!! </font><font color="blue">i </font><font color="aqua">just </font><font color="lime">realized </font><font color="lime">your </font><font color="fuchsia">page </font><font color="fuchsia">is </font><font color="gold">lyk </font><font color="gold">totz </font><font color="blue">not </font><font color="aqua">rainbowfyed.. </font><font color="lime">cuz </font><font color="lime">i </font><font color="fuchsia">lurves </font><font color="fuchsia">rainbowfying </font><font color="gold">pplz </font><font color="gold">wiki </font><font color="blue">page </font><font color="aqua">its </font><font color="lime">lyk </font><font color="lime">omg </font><font color="fuchsia">mega </font><font color="fuchsia">wasome!! </font><font color="gold">
and </font><font color="gold">i </font><font color="blue">can </font><font color="aqua">totz </font><font color="lime">do </font><font color="lime">it </font><font color="fuchsia">easy </font><font color="fuchsia">with </font><font color="gold">handy </font><font color="gold">dandy </font><font color="blue">interweb </font><font color="aqua">rainbowmakers.. </font><font color="lime">aaananndddd </font><font color="lime">jur </font><font color="fuchsia">wiki </font><font color="fuchsia">is </font><font color="gold">totz </font><font color="gold">boring </font><font color="blue">without </font><font color="aqua">colors!!! </font><font color="lime">yayayayayayaya!!!!
</font><font color="lime"> </font></b></font>

Revision as of 20:04, 9 December 2007

Real Name Not Given
Registration Date July 20, 2003
Rank SwimSuperStar
Regulars Action Discussion

haha knightstar you still havent filled this in? oh well, i'll add some stuff!

i dont know too much about knight, but i can tell you he's a BIG rukia fanboy. oh yeah, he would totally hit that! (or not, i dunno knight should be writing this not me)

also, whereever you see gaynor you can generally find knight right behind him supporting him, hes like gaynor's own little fanclub or something haha :) but yeah him and gaynor like agree on it all so like yeah.

and i dunno i see him mostly around gaynor's blood+ discussion thread and he always has this rukia icon, and i think some people think he's a chick, but he totally isnt ok? unless he is but says he's a guy i dunno.

knight get over here and write stuff!


A Word From His Holiness, Capp_90

KnightStar, he's my bro, he's my dog. I don't know where I'd be without my trusty companion. He follows me everywhere I go, always fetches my slippers, pees on every sidewalk/cat he comes across. You just don't find too many subordinates like him. Come to think of it, I don't really know much about him, excpet that he really likes Rukia and everyone mistakes him for a girl. Meh heh by the way. He's my Spam Apprentice, for I found him as a lonely degenerate on the streets and took him under my wing. He has learned well, I'm not sure if there's anything else for me to teach him, so I won't stress about it.

713 add's something

Knight is the smartest poster on the [asmb],if you disagree it's casue he probably pwned you somehow you,you ASS,so yeah,he's one of my top 5(no.2<_< >_>)favorite posters,yes,I thought he was a chick too. His love for Rukia no's no bound,I'd sooner bitch slap a Mod than insult Rukia with him around...well I've said pretty much all I can say 'bout him.....wait,he's also a alien Dun Dun Dun!!!!

CAC's Words

he will pwn you, so don't even try to disagree with him

ciddeh words of wonderment!!

attackles ju wit meh ciddeh fangirl powars!!111!! hearts ya ;)

also rainbowfys youre page, enjoy!: Zomg!! i just realized your page is lyk totz not rainbowfyed.. cuz i lurves rainbowfying pplz wiki page its lyk omg mega wasome!!

and i can totz do it easy with handy dandy interweb rainbowmakers.. aaananndddd jur wiki is totz boring without colors!!! yayayayayayaya!!!!


J-Dubb seiz...

He is a smart person. Verysmart. Normally i would consider him a nerd but he uses his intellegence for good. and that's why he's awesome.

i think that's all i got....

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