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China and Japan

(Copied/moved China and Japan section here from Second World War talk page.)

I was thinking about what to do in relation to China and Japan.Here are some ideas:

  • During the Cultural Revolution Zhou Enlai does something that the Gang of 4 use to oust him from Premier of the People's Republic of China.
  • Without his moderating influence there is too much destruction and anarchy, which leads to distribution of food problems. and famine in some parts of the country ensures.
  • The Republic of China and Japan both see this as an opportunity (independent of each other).
  • Mainland china ends up being split between: People's Republic of China, Republic of China, and Japan.
  • Because of the problems with China in 1997 Hong Kong is re-leased to Britain (someone needs the money).

More ideas later.

--Randall Sakai 21:26, 23 December 2006 (EST)

The trick, as I see it, is to establish how the Chinese Civil War ends with an only partially defeated Japan (If that's where it's going). Everything else in East Asia flows from that, essentially, and it's already in progress by the time our timeline splits from reality, so we can't work it backwards, really.

In terms of Japan, the biggest wildcard in the Civil War scenario - I don't see them retaining an uncontested foothold in China - both the Kuomintang and the Communists would simply continue to fight, were they to try and hold onto Manchuria, potentially for decades. However, what I see as more likely is that Japan negotiates their pull-out with one party or the other, theoretically giving them a leg-up over their rival. I can't decide who would be prepared to do the dirty with the Great Aggressor, though - both the nationalists and the Communists hated the Japs with a forehead-vein-popping passion; and both were fragmented, warlord-operated and ideologically-driven enough that such a decision would almost inevitably shatter the movement into a thousand pieces. Japan, I expect, would prefer to negotiate with the Kuomintang than Mao, but it's not really up to them at the point we're talking about.

I guess the question in such a scenario is: Do we want a semi-Fascist China or a Communist China?

Contingent on that, we can talk Korea, Manchurian Communist independence vs. Taiwanese Nationalist independence vs. other scenarios, Vietnam & SE Asia, India, Hong Kong & Macau, etc.

--Konstantin Sovietyevich 00:03, 3 January 2007 (EST)

Write whatever you want, but China needs to be at least the equal in power to the USSR/UISA after the dust settles. We have plans. Boots 05:54, 12 February 2007 (EST)

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