
From Acw

Revision as of 12:07, 27 June 2006 by Konstantin Sovietyevich (Talk | contribs)
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Demographics of the {{{country}}}
Size: {{{size_of_population}}}
Growth: {{{growth}}}
Birth: {{{birth}}}
Death: {{{death}}}
Life expectancy: {{{life}}}
Life expectancy (m): {{{life_male}}}
Life expectancy (f): {{{life_female}}}
Fertility: {{{fertility}}}
Age Structure:
0-14 years: {{{age_0-14_years}}}
15-64 years: {{{age_15-64_years}}}
65-0ver years: {{{age_65_years}}}
Sex Ratio:
Total: {{{total_mf_ratio}}}
At birth: {{{sr_at_birth}}}
Under 15 years: {{{sr_under_15}}}
15-64 years: {{{sr_15-64_years}}}
65-0ver years: {{{sr_65_years}}}
nationality: {{{nation}}}
Major ethnic: {{{major_ethnic}}}
Minor ethnic: {{{minor_ethnic}}}
Official: {{{official}}}
Spoken: {{{spoken}}}
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