Space Combat Resolution Rules

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The Map

There are four 3x5 grids; Each of the four grids uses a letter (A, B or C) for rows and a number (1 to 5) for columns to provide a unique identity. The four grids sit one on top of the other providing an Extreme, High, Low and Surface grid. Together this makes 60 locations on the map.

There are three maps that look like the one immediately below for the Extreme, High and Low ranges.

There is also the map for the surface of New Iowa that sits underneath the three “space” maps.

Each faction starts with control over a number of individual ships, fighter squadrons, ground troops, and planet based defences all of which are collectively referred to as Units. Certain members of each faction will have control over units depending upon their role in the game and game set up.

Units have two states:

  • Peaceful – the unit is configured for non-military actions with sensors active and communication channels open. A unit that is in peaceful status will ignore all other ships that it encounters allowing them to occupy the same square without engaging.
  • Weapons Hot – a unit is ready and willing to fight all comers. A unit that is weapons hot will automatically attack any non-friendly ship that it encounters.

Units possess a number of attributes which are used to determine it’s abilities in combat:

  • Speed: either Slow or Fast, used in the Movement Phase. Slow units move simultaneously when orders are given, then Fast units, giving Fast units a chance to alter their course depending upon what is going on.
  • Attack: This is the base combat value used to determine who wins individual engagements. This value is added to the results of the round of PSR and to any other misc modifiers.
  • Max Wounds: This is the maximum number of engagements that can be lost before a unit is destroyed.
  • Misc: Most units have a unique modifier for certain engagements. For instance a Russian Battle-cruiser might have an attack value of 7 (virtually unbeatable) for one engagement of the player’s choice.

Play proceeds over rounds. A round is roughly ten minutes of real time during the session which translates to about an hour of in game time.

Each round consists of three phases resolved in the following sequence of play:

  1. Orders Phase
  2. Movement Phase
  3. Combat Phase

Orders Phase

During normal play, those in control of units can give orders to those under his command. Orders can be changed up until the Combat GM begins moving units. After this begins, players will need to wait until the following round to give new orders. Thus those in control of fleets will need to continually pay attention to the Maps to ensure that their forces do not suddenly get attacked.

Movement Phase

Around once every ten minutes, the Combat GM will move all ships based on the orders that have been given.

  • Units can move one square orthogonally; up or down or staying on the same level.
  • Movement off the side edges brings one to the opposite side on the map. Movement off the top or bottom edge is prohibited.
  • Fast ships cannot move into the square just vacated by a slow ship i.e. they cannot swap squares. If they do not wish to fight they must retreat into another square.

Movement occurs in two blocks, Slow units move first, than Fast units move. All Slow units move simultaneously. Once these are complete, all Fast ships move simultaneously. Thus Fast ships have a chance to change their course if something unexpected occurs.
Example: The Russian Admiral orders a unit of fighters to move from Low A2 to High A2 where it will link up with another unit of fighters. However, in the Slow movement phase, two German Destroyers move into the High A2 square. Not wishing to have an engagement without stronger support, the player instead chooses to move to Low A1 and await further orders. Example 2: Three American gunships move off the edge of the map from B5, they move to B1. .

Combat Phase

Combat occurs when:

  • two or more factions occupy the same square; and
  • both sides choose to open fire; OR one side is weapons hot and does not recognise the other side as a friendly.

Combat occurs between two opposing sides at a time. Each of these conflicts is termed an engagement. In the case of multiple sides all opening fire, the side with the most number of ships decides which engagements take place first, using PSR between opposing side representatives in the case of equal size forces. Example: The Russians, the UISA and the GDE all occupy the same location and all open fire against everyone. The Russians have five units, the UISA has only one unit, whilst the SBE has four units. The Russian decides to let the UISA and GDE fight first before closing with the victor.

At that point, a representative of both sides play a round of PSR. The winner gets 3 Combat Points, the loser gets 1. If there is a tie, both sides get 2 combat points.

To these combat points, they add the Attack value of one of their units, plus an additional one for each additional unit present and participating in the engagement. Any other modifiers that might be appropriate based on their character or specific equipment and situation should also be added.



Combat points from PSR (1, 2 or 3) + Attack value of one unit + One for each additional unit present + Any other relevant miscellaneous modifier

Whichever faction has the highest total wins that engagement. o The loser suffers a wound for each ship on the opposing side. The loser decides where those wounds will be allocated. o The winner suffers a wound for each two ships on the opposing side round down. The winner decides where those wounds will be allocated. o If the result ties, both are considered to have lost the engagement and both sustain one wound per opposing ship.

If two or more sides have teamed up, all damage is allocated based on the number of ships contributed to the side, with the players deciding how that damage is allocated.
Example: 10 wounds are inflicted to 3 SBE and 7 UISA ships which have combined to fight a GDE fleet, the SBE side distributes 3 wounds amongst it’s ships, whilst the UISA distributes 7 wounds amongst it’s ships.

Each ship has a maximum number of wounds it can sustain before being destroyed.

If a losing unit is still alive it must retreat into an adjacent unoccupied or friendly square. Players may opt to retreat ‘off the board’ if they are at Extreme range at which point they leave the board and cannot return, however their unit and character survives the combat.

Example: The German fleet consists of two Destroyers and a fighter squadron after dealing with the UISA fleet. The Russian fleet consists of one Battlecruiser, one gunship and three fighter squadrons. The two opposing players play a round of PSR and the Russian player wins earning 3 combat points. To this he adds the attack value of 3 of the Battlecruiser, plus four for the other four units, plus one because his opponent is using a Destroyer as his attack unit for a total Combat Result of 11.
The German player gets 1 from the PSR round plus the Destroyer attack value of 4 plus another two for the other two units for a total of 7. At this point, the German player declares his fighter squadron is using their assault missiles for a one time bonus of 4 increasing the German total to 11 also. The Russian player having no miscellaneous modifiers of his own to add cries as his victory becomes a draw.
The Russian side suffers three wounds for the three opposing units, and one wound to his Battle-cruiser because of the special power of Destroyers. The Russian player assigns all four wounds to his Battle-cruiser leaving his fleet with 5 units.
The German player suffers five wounds for the five opposing units, which unfortunately for the German player is enough to wipe out his fleet.

Any further fights in that square then proceed.

Typical Unit Stats

Hunter-Seeker Satellite Net A group of satellites designed to look like non-military satellites or even space junk but in the case of an attack, they can be programmed to make a concerted suicidal assault against attackers. Speed: Cannot Move Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 0 (they die at the end of an engagement once activated irrespective of whether they win or lose) Orbital Platform Orbital platforms are barely manoeuvrable and little more than armour and weaponry. They are manned by a small crew of dedicated men. Speed: Cannot Move (if forced to retreat they are destroyed instead) Attack: 2 Max Wounds: 2 Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Destroyer A destroyer is a small (60m to 150m) fast moving ship designed to destroy opposing capital ships. Speed: F Attack: 4 Wounds: 1 David vs Goliath - If a destroyer is chosen as your main attack ship and you win PSR, you do one wound to each capital ship in the enemy fleet as well as other wounds.

Gunship Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved. Carrier / Dropship A Carrier is a large capital ship (>2000m) designed to house and launch squadrons of Screenship fighters or house ground troops. Whilst large, carriers are not equipped with anything more than token armaments. They rely on other ships to protect them. Speed: S Attack: 0 (can still attack) Wounds: 6 Capital Ship – A carrier / dropship is a Capital Ship Home Base – Carriers serve as a Home Base for Screenship Fighter Squads and/or ground troops (in which case they are usually referred to as Dropships) Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability.

Cruiser Cruisers are like light battle-cruisers that operate in squadrons - still huge, but not the biggest ships in a fleet. Speed: S Attack: 2 Wounds: 4 Capital Ship – A Cruiser is a Capital Ship Coordinated fire - If selected as the attacking ship and operating with at least one other cruiser, add +1 attack. Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers after combat is resolved. Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability. Battlecruiser Battlecruisers (also known as Battleships) are the largest ships in a fleet (>5000m) built solely for the purposes of waging space warfare. They are heavily armed and armoured and in a rare few cases are capable of opening wormholes. Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 5 Capital Ship – A Battlecruiser is a Capital Ship Massive - the sheer size of the ship means that attacking it is difficult. +1 to PSR in combats in which the enemy fleet has fighters or destroyers as its main attack ship. Super Heavy Batteries - Automatically deals one wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to gunships and capital ships irrespective of who won the engagement. Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability. Core Ship The heart of any inter-solar fleet, the core ship is frequently the only ship in a fleet that can open and sustain a safe, traversable wormhole. It is always heavily armoured and frequently is well armed as well. Speed: S Attack: 1 Wounds: 7 Capital Ship – A core ship is a Capital Ship Wormhole Generator – may initiate a Krasnikov jump if in Extreme orbit, friendly ships may also choose to jump with it. Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface.

Planetary Bombardment Units in Low orbit may choose to conduct actions against the surface square below them. Units can only do this if they do not get involved in any engagements in space and they have the Planetary Bombardment or Planetary Assault ability.

Sites The planetary surface contains three types of sites: City (diamond) – a major population centre. At the start of the siege of New Iowa, the UISA has 7 cities on Arthonia, and 3 on Carolia. The USSR has 2 cities on Inath. The SBE has 4 cities on North Tobias. The CAS has 2 cities on New Africa. Capital (hexagon) – the capital city of a state or country. At the start of the Siege of New Iowa, the UISA has 2 capitals on Arthonia and another 1 on Carolia. The USSR has 5 capitals on Inath. The SBE has 2 capitals on North Tobias. If all of a factions capitals and military strongholds are destroyed or captured, that faction usually chooses to surrender. Military Stronghold (triangle) – A major military installation equipped with significant military hardware and personnel. Military strongholds are immune to Biological strikes and extend protection to all cities and capitals on their continent against nuclear strikes. At the start of the Siege of New Iowa, the UISA has 3 military strongholds on Arthonia and 2 on Carolia. The USSR has 4 military strongholds on Inath. The SBE has 3 military strongholds on North Tobias.

Possible Actions Nuclear strike – Unit must have either Planetary Assault or Planetary Bombardment ability to undertake this action. Pick one City, Capital or Military Stronghold, if faction does not possess any Military Strongholds on that continent, destroy site and all ground units present. Beyond the loss of life, the city’s infrastructure is effectively destroyed as well as the contamination of the land itself. If at least one Military Stronghold exists, than you must use PSR to resolve.

If the target is a military stronghold and the attacker loses the PSR or ties, than the Military Stronghold is considered to be suppressed and cannot provide any further aid for the remainder of that round and the following one. o Biological strike – as for Nuclear strike, but cannot be used against Military Strongholds and does not destroy infrastructure of site. o Conventional strike – Unit must have Planetary Assault ability to undertake this action. pick one Military Stronghold and resolve PSR against the site. If successful, Military Stronghold is suppressed and cannot provide further aid for the remainder of that round and the following one. If a partial success, nothing happens. If attacker loses the engagement, they sustain a wound. Alternatively pick one City or Capital and resolve PSR. If successful, destroy any ground troops present. If a partial success results, destroy one ground unit. If the attacker loses, than they sustain a wound. o Orbital strike – Ships in near orbit with the Planetary Bombardment ability can launch their weapons against planetary targets. Resolves exactly like a conventional strike, but the attacker can never sustain a wound from the attack. o Planetary invasion – Only ground troops can undertake this action. Pick one city or capital. Your ground assault troops attack the local defences and attempt to take control of the population centre. Resolve PSR to determine success with number of ground units on each side modifying result. If the attacker wins, they gain control over that site. If attacker loses, the ground troops are considered to be eliminated. o Anti-matter Planet Buster – Unit must have either Planetary Assault or Planetary Bombardment ability to undertake this action. Pick one continent. Resolve as if a Nuclear Strike has occurred against every City, Capital and Military Stronghold on that continent (resolve Military Strongholds first). The use of an anti-matter bomb will cause considerable ecological damage to the entire planet, and may even affect the rotational speed and tilt of the planet. Use of anti-matter weaponry has yet to be banned by any treaty.

USSR 3rd Inter-solar Fleet Starting Location: Extreme C3 Fleet break down: o 1 x Core/Dropship – Maxim Gorky o 2 x Stalin Class Battlecruisers (1 wounded) o 8 x Gunships (3 wounded) o 4 x Screenship squads o 2 x Destroyers o 6 x Ground Troops o 2 x Fast Ground Troops o 4 x Nuclear Strikes o 4 x Biological Strikes

Details: Stalin Class Battlecruiser – Alexander Nevsky Battlecruisers (also known as Battleships) are the largest ships in a fleet (>5000m) built solely for the purposes of waging space warfare. They are heavily armed and armoured and in a rare few cases are capable of opening wormholes. Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 5 Capital Ship – A Battlecruiser is a Capital Ship Massive - the sheer size of the ship means that attacking it is difficult. +1 to PSR in combats in which the enemy fleet has fighters or destroyers as its main attack ship. Super Heavy Batteries - Automatically deals one wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to gunships and capital ships irrespective of who won the engagement. Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability.

Stalin Class Battlecruiser - Stalin Battlecruisers (also known as Battleships) are the largest ships in a fleet (>5000m) built solely for the purposes of waging space warfare. They are heavily armed and armoured and in a rare few cases are capable of opening wormholes. Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 5 (4 remaining) Capital Ship – A Battlecruiser is a Capital Ship Massive - the sheer size of the ship means that attacking it is difficult. +1 to PSR in combats in which the enemy fleet has fighters or destroyers as its main attack ship. Super Heavy Batteries - Automatically deals one wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to gunships and capital ships irrespective of who won the engagement. Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability.

Dropship – Maxim Gorky A Carrier is a large capital ship (>2000m) designed to house and launch squadrons of Screenship fighters or house ground troops. Whilst large, carriers are not equipped with anything more than token armaments. They rely on other ships to protect them. Speed: S Attack: 0 (can still attack) Wounds: 6 Capital Ship – A carrier / dropship is a Capital Ship Home Base – Carriers serve as a Home Base for Screenship Fighter Squads and/or ground troops (in which case they are usually referred to as Dropships) Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability. Wormhole Generator – may initiate a Krasnikov jump if in Extreme orbit, friendly ships may also choose to jump with it.

Gunship - Aysberg Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 (2 remaining) Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Bora Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 (2 remaining) Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Ameytst Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 (2 remaining) Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Burun Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Izmail Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Junga Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Mordovy Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Orel Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface.

Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface.

Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Destroyer - Musson A destroyer is a small (60m to 150m) fast moving ship designed to destroy opposing capital ships. Speed: F Attack: 4 Wounds: 1 David vs Goliath - If a destroyer is chosen as your main attack ship and you win PSR, you do one wound to each capital ship in the enemy fleet as well as other wounds.

Destroyer - Predanny A destroyer is a small (60m to 150m) fast moving ship designed to destroy opposing capital ships. Speed: F Attack: 4 Wounds: 1 David vs Goliath - If a destroyer is chosen as your main attack ship and you win PSR, you do one wound to each capital ship in the enemy fleet as well as other wounds. Troops – 21st Guards A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 2 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface.

Troops – 22nd Guards A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 2 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface.

Troops – 23rd Guards A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 2 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface.

Troops – 24th Guards A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 2 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface.

Troops – 25th Guards A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 2 (1 remaining) Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops – 26th Guards A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 2 (1 remaining) Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops – 38th Fast Attach Regiment A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Fast (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops – 64th Fast Attack Regiment A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Fast (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface.

SBE Fleet Starting Location: Extreme A1 Fleet break down: o Coreship – Implacable o 3 x Longbow Class Cruisers o 3 x Gunships o 6 x Screenship squads o 2 x Nuclear Strikes

Details: Core Ship - Implacable The heart of any inter-solar fleet, the core ship is frequently the only ship in a fleet that can open and sustain a safe, traversable wormhole. It is always heavily armoured and frequently is well armed as well. Speed: S Attack: 1 Wounds: 7 Capital Ship – A core ship is a Capital Ship Wormhole Generator – may initiate a Krasnikov jump if in Extreme orbit, friendly ships may also choose to jump with it.

Longbow Class Cruiser – George VII Cruisers are like light battle-cruisers that operate in squadrons - still huge, but not the biggest ships in a fleet. Speed: S Attack: 2 Wounds: 4 Capital Ship – A Cruiser is a Capital Ship Coordinated fire - If selected as the attacking ship and operating with at least one other cruiser, add +1 attack. Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers after combat is resolved. Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability. Mass Accelerators - can attack targets in adjacent grid squares, allowing them to do damage without taking damage.

Longbow Class Cruiser – Edward Longshanks Cruisers are like light battle-cruisers that operate in squadrons - still huge, but not the biggest ships in a fleet. Speed: S Attack: 2 Wounds: 4 Capital Ship – A Cruiser is a Capital Ship Coordinated fire - If selected as the attacking ship and operating with at least one other cruiser, add +1 attack. Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers after combat is resolved. Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability. Mass Accelerators - can attack targets in adjacent grid squares, allowing them to do damage without taking damage.

Longbow Class Cruiser – William III Cruisers are like light battle-cruisers that operate in squadrons - still huge, but not the biggest ships in a fleet. Speed: S Attack: 2 Wounds: 4 Capital Ship – A Cruiser is a Capital Ship Coordinated fire - If selected as the attacking ship and operating with at least one other cruiser, add +1 attack. Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers after combat is resolved. Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability. Mass Accelerators - can attack targets in adjacent grid squares, allowing them to do damage without taking damage.

Gunship - Ness Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Lochy Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Trent Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface.

Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface.

Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface.

UISA Fleet Starting Location: Scattered across Low and High 4 and 5 Fleet break down: o 3 x Taylor Class Cruisers o 3 x Gunships o 5 x Screenship squads o 2 x Nuclear Strikes

Details: Taylor Class Cruiser - Antrim Cruisers are like light battle-cruisers that operate in squadrons - still huge, but not the biggest ships in a fleet. Speed: S Attack: 2 Wounds: 3 Capital Ship – A Cruiser is a Capital Ship Coordinated fire - If selected as the attacking ship and operating with at least one other cruiser, add +1 attack. Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers after combat is resolved. Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability.

Taylor Class Cruiser - Doyle Cruisers are like light battle-cruisers that operate in squadrons - still huge, but not the biggest ships in a fleet. Speed: S Attack: 2 Wounds: 3 Capital Ship – A Cruiser is a Capital Ship Coordinated fire - If selected as the attacking ship and operating with at least one other cruiser, add +1 attack. Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers after combat is resolved. Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability.

Taylor Class Cruiser - Underwood Cruisers are like light battle-cruisers that operate in squadrons - still huge, but not the biggest ships in a fleet. Speed: S Attack: 2 Wounds: 3 Capital Ship – A Cruiser is a Capital Ship Coordinated fire - If selected as the attacking ship and operating with at least one other cruiser, add +1 attack. Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers after combat is resolved. Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability.

Gunship - Boone Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Clark Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Flatley Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface.

Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface.

Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface.

Civilian Ships Starting Location: Inside UISA controlled Low orbit, players Choice

Details: Civilian Yacht – The Liberty Private vessel of Phineas Carter Franklin Speed: Fast Attack: 0 Max Wounds: 1 Wormhole Generator – may initiate a Krasnikov jump if in Extreme orbit, friendly ships may also choose to jump with it.

Starting Location: Inside UISA controlled Low orbit, players Choice

Details: Kissinger Class Diplomatic Frigate – The Kissinger Vessel of William Clinton Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 4 Wormhole Generator – may initiate a Krasnikov jump if in Extreme orbit, friendly ships may also choose to jump with it.

GDE Starting Location: Extreme C1 Fleet break down: o 1 x SS-Wissenschaftkorpsschiff o 1 x Science vessel o 2 x Nuclear Strikes o 2 x Biological Strikes

Details: SS Wissenschaftkorpsschiff - Eidelwess Speed: S Attack: 0 Wounds: 4 Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability.

SS Gunship – Scheer Speed: S Attack: 2 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters for every surviving SS Science Vessel after combat is resolved.

Incoming UISA Relief Fleet Starting Location: Appears in Extreme C5 Fleet break down: o 1 x Coreship o 2 x Omaha Class Carriers o 8 x Gunships o 4 x Destroyers o 6 x Screenship squads o 1 x GEONY Anti-matter Planet Buster Strikes o 4 x Nuclear Strikes

Details: Core Ship - Sylvester The heart of any inter-solar fleet, the core ship is frequently the only ship in a fleet that can open and sustain a safe, traversable wormhole. It is always heavily armoured and frequently is well armed as well. Speed: S Attack: 1 Wounds: 7 Capital Ship – A core ship is a Capital Ship Wormhole Generator – may initiate a Krasnikov jump if in Extreme orbit, friendly ships may also choose to jump with it. Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability. GEONY Anti-matter Planet Buster – Can one time only activate a GEONY anti-matter planet buster missile against a planetary target

Omaha Class Carrier - Essex A Carrier is a large capital ship (>2000m) designed to house and launch squadrons of Screenship fighters or house ground troops. Whilst large, carriers are not equipped with anything more than token armaments. They rely on other ships to protect them. Speed: S Attack: 0 (can still attack) Wounds: 6 Capital Ship – A carrier / dropship is a Capital Ship Home Base – Carriers serve as a Home Base for Screenship Fighter Squads and/or ground troops (in which case they are usually referred to as Dropships) Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability.

Omaha Class Carrier - Boston A Carrier is a large capital ship (>2000m) designed to house and launch squadrons of Screenship fighters or house ground troops. Whilst large, carriers are not equipped with anything more than token armaments. They rely on other ships to protect them. Speed: S Attack: 0 (can still attack) Wounds: 6 Capital Ship – A carrier / dropship is a Capital Ship Home Base – Carriers serve as a Home Base for Screenship Fighter Squads and/or ground troops (in which case they are usually referred to as Dropships) Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability.

Gunship - Duncan Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship – George Philip Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship – Jack Williams Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Reid Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Stark Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Curts Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Derwert Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Gunship - Vandergrift Gunships are like Destroyers writ large (300m to 1600m). The main difference is that they sacrifice speed and agility for armour protection Speed: S Attack: 3 Wounds: 3 Kinetic point defence cannon - deal one additional wound to enemy fleet that may only be allocated to fighters and destroyers for every pair of surviving gunships after combat is resolved.

Destroyer - Smith A destroyer is a small (60m to 150m) fast moving ship designed to destroy opposing capital ships. Speed: F Attack: 4 Wounds: 1 David vs Goliath - If a destroyer is chosen as your main attack ship and you win PSR, you do one wound to each capital ship in the enemy fleet as well as other wounds. Destroyer - Lamson A destroyer is a small (60m to 150m) fast moving ship designed to destroy opposing capital ships. Speed: F Attack: 4 Wounds: 1 David vs Goliath - If a destroyer is chosen as your main attack ship and you win PSR, you do one wound to each capital ship in the enemy fleet as well as other wounds.

Destroyer - Preston A destroyer is a small (60m to 150m) fast moving ship designed to destroy opposing capital ships. Speed: F Attack: 4 Wounds: 1 David vs Goliath - If a destroyer is chosen as your main attack ship and you win PSR, you do one wound to each capital ship in the enemy fleet as well as other wounds. Destroyer - Flusser A destroyer is a small (60m to 150m) fast moving ship designed to destroy opposing capital ships. Speed: F Attack: 4 Wounds: 1 David vs Goliath - If a destroyer is chosen as your main attack ship and you win PSR, you do one wound to each capital ship in the enemy fleet as well as other wounds.

Destroyer - Roe A destroyer is a small (60m to 150m) fast moving ship designed to destroy opposing capital ships. Speed: F Attack: 4 Wounds: 1 David vs Goliath - If a destroyer is chosen as your main attack ship and you win PSR, you do one wound to each capital ship in the enemy fleet as well as other wounds. Destroyer - Burrows A destroyer is a small (60m to 150m) fast moving ship designed to destroy opposing capital ships. Speed: F Attack: 4 Wounds: 1 David vs Goliath - If a destroyer is chosen as your main attack ship and you win PSR, you do one wound to each capital ship in the enemy fleet as well as other wounds.

Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface.

Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface.

Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 1 Max Wounds: 1 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface.

The Arthurian Fleet Starting Location: Faction picks a starting square in High Orbit. Faction should pay attention to both opposing fleets in Extreme orbit, and potential targets on the planetary surface when making their decision.

Fleet break down: o The Arkship Arthur o 20 x Arthurian Screenship squads o 10 x Ground Troops o 6 x Nuclear Strikes o 6 x Biological Strikes

Details: The Arkship Arthur Speed: S Attack: 0 (can still attack) Wounds: 12 Capital Ship –The Arkship is a Capital Ship Home Base – The Arthur serves as a Home Base for Screenship Fighter Squads and/or ground troops Planetary Bombardment - Has orbital bombardment ability. Point Defence Drones – Irrespective of an Engagements result, inflict three wounds that must be assigned to enemy Screenships or Destroyers. Colossal - the sheer size of the ship means that attacking it is difficult. +2 to PSR in combats in which the enemy fleet has fighters or destroyers as its main attack ship.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Arthurian Screenship Fighter squad Screenship fighter squads are small group of fast moving single manned ships (<30m) that act in concert, usually at the outer edges of a fleet. Speed: Fast Attack: 4 Max Wounds: 3 Interdiction - you may sacrifice a fighter to cancel an enemy destroyer's ability; Planetary assault – can conduct conventional strike on a planets surface. Drone – Most ships in the squad are actually unmanned controlled by remote.

Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface.

Orbital Defences Each of the factions has in Low orbit 3 x orbital platforms which the GM will put out. Each faction will have one hunter-seeker satellite net in each square claimed by their faction.

Surface Defences

UISA Beyond the Military Installations, the UISA faction also have ground troops already in place.

Starting Location: One New Iowa Defence Regiment at each capital, and the Space Marine Division located in B4.

Troops – 1st New Iowa Defence Regiment A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops– 2nd New Iowa Defence Regiment A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops– 4th New Iowa Defence Regiment A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops–31st Space Marine Division A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 2 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface.

SBE The SBE have one unit of troops in each of their capitals

Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface.

USSR The USSR have two unit of troops on the planetary surface

Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface. Troops A brigade of armed men equipped with anti-personnel weaponry. Speed: Slow (surface movement only), cannot enter space unless boarding a Dropship. Attack: 0 (can only attack troops or screenships, and only when on a planet’s surface) Wounds: 1 Planetary Assault – can Planetary Invasion on a planets surface.

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