
From Acw

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There is a general militia and 2 years military service is mandatory for everyone (unless physically exempted by the Chief Surgeon of the Board)
There is a general militia and 2 years military service is mandatory for everyone (unless physically exempted by the Chief Surgeon of the Circle).
The Circle has it's own law enforcement organisation headed by the Chief Magistrate of the Circle. The Magistrates are a combination of police and lawyer. Empowered to enforce the law, they also oversee the justice process through to acquittal/punishment.

Revision as of 04:23, 8 September 2006




The second moon of New Ukraine located in the Chimera System. Initially claimed by the USSR as part of their expansion into the New Ukraine system, it soon became clear that it would be an economic nightmare to fully terraform and occupy Dostoyevsky. They abandoned the moon in 2177.

In 2193, the USSR was approached by a conglomerate of independently wealthy citizens from several nations wanting to separate themselves from the political environment. They agreed to fully fund the final stages of the terraforming process and to use Soviet infrastructure in return for being left alone and having a socialist government model. The conglomerate agreed and by 2210 they had begun moving people to the planet.


Predominantly a liberal socialist model with a ruling board of 13people (officially called The Circle, it is also called The Coven by it's critics) picked from the various industry academic sectors that must face re-election every 5 years.



There is a general militia and 2 years military service is mandatory for everyone (unless physically exempted by the Chief Surgeon of the Circle).

The Circle has it's own law enforcement organisation headed by the Chief Magistrate of the Circle. The Magistrates are a combination of police and lawyer. Empowered to enforce the law, they also oversee the justice process through to acquittal/punishment.




Due to it's location and it's neutral status with regards to the major powers, Dostoyevsky has has become the popular place for the various powers' espionnage experts to gather to trade information.

The culture is largely forgiving of anything not directly ruled against in the charter which serves as both constitution and code of laws. This is not to say that it is a lawless or easy going planet.

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