Censored words at 667

From 667darkavenue

Revision as of 22:26, 4 February 2007 by (Talk)

Some words at 667 have been censored because they are rude, or at least in Tragedy's mind they are rude. If you see the words or phrases, "headphones", "dishwasher", "day care center" or "really cool member", chances are that is not the word or phrase the the poster intended to say.


-Headphones- Penis

-Dishwasher- Vagina

-Day Care Center- Orgy

-Really Cool Member- Noob or n00b

The words or phrases the "naughty" words have been censored to, were most likely selected because of the ironic humor that can found when they are used instead of the bad words. For example, if someone wished to say, "Want to join my orgy?", his or her post would read, "Want to join my day care center?" Isn't it just so funny?

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