Antagonistic Affairs

From 667 Dark Avenue

Revision as of 18:42, 16 January 2007 by (Talk)

Antagonistic Affairs is the first category on 667, with three boards to its name. Alarming Announcements is the first board. It is the place where Tragedy, our administrator, announces who has won Member of the Month, a coveted award, and the rank system and rules are listed there. It is moderated by Tragedy.

Foreboding Feedback is next. It is the board for questions, concerns, comments, walkthroughs, and FAQs. Gigi is moderator here.

Gruesome Greetings follows, moderated by SnicketFace. During the reign of All Disrespect, Triangle Eyes and Amanda were appointed moderators here because they, er, asked, but they've been demoted now. It is the place where newcomers can introduce themselves and be "adopted" by older members, although this practice is fairly dead.

TEMPORARY BOARD ADDED! A temporary board, Destuctive Debates was temporarily added to debate the issue of eliminate or keeping the "Karma" feature. It was decided to abolish karma and let karma-abusers get away with it. The board has since been deleted.

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