Disturbing Discussion

From 667 Dark Avenue

Revision as of 14:51, 7 January 2007 by (Talk)

Disturbing Discussion is a very popular, very frequented board. It's a place for discussion of religion, President Bush, and such. This board is NOT for sensitive people. DD was locked this past New Year's (no, the one before that), due to a spammer's threats. Tragedy wanted to make sure they didn't come true. Everyone was freaking out before they found out. It came back later, but was password protected. Threads sprang up asking for the password, which was a very ironic one. Not very recently, Tragedy deemed it worthy of unlocking, and everyone was allowed back in. Of course, by then, everyone knew the passwrd, but it was still a relief for many. Temporary admin All Due Respect had a terrible allergic reaction to this board - breaking out in rashes, and her tongue swelling up until the only words she could choke out were outraged criticisms. Fortunately, the worst she could do was to turn it into a sub-board, a decision that was disagreed with by most people, but returned admin Tragedy thinks that only his views matter, apparently, so it stays.

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