
From 667 Dark Avenue

Revision as of 10:22, 7 January 2007 by (Talk)

J has had about a million accounts because she makes them and deletes them out of a fit of emoness. She's known for several gimmicks, such as the use of a daemon, Captiosus, as a posting partner, and her sword, Walter, which was infamous as a noob killer. She later abandoned these and became pretty much indistinguishable. She was banned at least a million times and has an enormous amount of strikes, but fortunately nobody gets banned on 667 any more.

Her real name is Arielle Jenna Davinger. Her alias is Jenna Sottle. Technically, her 667 name is J, no period.The period was added later by people like Dante and Ennui, and became the popular spelling.

J. at the Second Meet-up


Not really.

A billion unfinished stories.

Organizer, conception-er and contributer to the Hogwarts story

Contestant in Big Brother

WSW stories: Tragedy/Char, Tragedy/Songbird, Tragedy/Snicket, Robert/Snicket, Luis/Nibbler, Freshie/Camel

Used to be an acclaimed n00b-slayer, but then became sensitive and less witty.


Her AIM screename is VFDJ42 and her MSN name is vfdj42@hotmail.com.

She has a puppy named Nibbler which she considers to be adorable.

And she's annoyingly obsessed with anime, particulary Full Metal Alchemist and Roy Mustang.

Knows the complete lyrics to Cruel Angel's Thesis, the theme song to Evangelion.

Plays the flute.

Is learning Spanish and trying to self-teach Japanese.

She is generic Stephen Colbert fangirl #7.

Staff Activities

J. was appointed moderator of Menacing Miscellaneous for some reason, and has since done apparently nothing except get accused by M. of abusing her power. She also managed to convince the highly-suggestible All Due Respect that a set of boards for movies, songs and poetry, all misnamed and clustered in an ill-placed board next to MM, was a good idea. Tragedy promptly deleted them upon his return.

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