Official Hall of Records

From 667 Dark Avenue

Revision as of 16:49, 16 January 2007 by (Talk)

The following is excerpted from "The Hall of Records (a "read" only thread)". It is located Here.

This thread is a read only thread for members, and the only individuals allowed to post in this thread are moderators. If you are not a moderator, or part of 667's staff you will receive a strike for not being able to follow clear directions.

Also members of 667 if you would like to comment, complain or have a question regarding this thread or the thread's content then please start a new thread.

Moderators it has come to 667's attention that people aren't aware that they are being handed out warnings (strikes, etc;) so please use this thread to record said warnings/strikes, and then please PM the person in order to inform them of their offense.

Helpful hint: The information needed will be the offenders original username, a link to the thread where offending material is located, and an explanation of why the warning/strike was given (i.e. swearing, spam). If needed please quote/take a screen shot of the offense.


NOTES: -To view the entire thread, please use the link at the top of the page.

-Admins - ever the fine, upstanding examples to 667 - have never posted strikes or warnings they've given in the Hall of Records, because they're apparently too busy to ensure that rule-breakers are brought to proper justice.

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