Ruefully Restricted
From 667 Dark Avenue
The final category is the Ruefully Restricted. There is not much to say about this category, as three of the four boards are password-protected. The first one is Misinformed Moderation, a place for mods to discuss their secret contempt of all normal members, probably. Following this is Awfully Ancient Archives, the only open board in the category. Old or locked threads are moved into here for viewing purposes only, except for 60023101, which everyone's forgotten about. Threads in this category date back to 667's humble beginnings. Sickeningly Secret Section follows, for original members of, and this also has a mystery subboard. Hopeless Headquarters is last, and is the place for people who sympathise with Tragedy's sinister schemes to come and assist, and it too has a locked subboard.
According to the admins, nothing really interesting is in these forums. Of course, this makes us want to see them even more.