PJ's 667 Stories

From 667darkavenue

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The member PJ is an arrogant sod, who has written several 667 stories and then proceeded to make a page about them to boost his ego. Pretty much all his stories star him as the hero, the star, god, etc. The stories are, in chronological order: (like we care)


Volunteers Fighting Crime

In this story, various 667ers are super-heroes, and they fight crime. Science-Fiction. [[1]]

Holy War

In this story, various 667ers are gods, and attempt to take over the Catholic Church, by destroying the Vatican. Fantasy. [[2]]


In this story, two 667ers are immortal swordsmen, cursed to duel each other until the end of all time. Fantasy. [[3]]


In this story, various 667ers meet up several years after 667 Dark Avenue has died. Members begin to die, and the murderer leaves clues as to who will be the next person to be killed. Interactive story. Murder Mystery. [[4]]

Net-Wars Episode One

In this story, various 667ers are either Intelecteers or Haxx0rz, and battle each other in a parody of Star Wars. Science-Fiction/Parody/Comedy. [[5]]

Parallel Universes

In this story, various 667ers find a rift which leads to a parallel universe. They meet their parallel selves, and hilarity ensues. Science-Fiction/Comedy. [[6]]

Kill Dante Volume 1 & 2

In this story, taken directly from Quentin Tarantino's Masterpiece "Kill Bill", one member goes on a murderous rampage, in order to avenge herself. Fiction/Parody. [[7]] [[8]]

Net-Wars Episode Two

This story is the sequel of Net-Wars Episode One. In this episode, the battle between Haxx0rs and Intelecteers continues. Science-Fiction/Parody/Comedy. [[9]]


In this story, various 667ers are nobles in a medieval kingdom. A few gather together, and plot to overthrow the current monarch. Fantasy. [[10]]

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