
From 667darkavenue

Revision as of 20:43, 8 February 2007 by Robert (Talk | contribs)
Robert and his girlfriend Kelly

Robert's real name is actually Robert, unlike the majority of 667ers. He's been on 667 for several years (the exact amount undetermined, but estimated to be around 2.5) and is most well known for his controversy. Recently, Robert has claimed to have reformed from his former ways and seems fairly legitimate, but only time will tell.


Early Life

Robert grew up in the historical district of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. During this time, he never attended formal school; he was instead homeschooled by his mother. She wasn't very active in his actual schooling, however, and he taught himself things like grammar and spelling, falling behind in impractical things not commonly used, such as math. Robert's father passed away when he was 10 and Robert moved to his current residence in Halifax, Pennsylvania with his older brother Brian and his sister-in-law Elizabeth.


Robert is currently 15 years old as of February 8th, 2007. He attends Halifax Area High School and is unemployed. He has been working lately on improving his skills as both an artists and as a programmer for games based in Flash. He spends most of his time surfing 667, the NewGrounds forums, and programming Flash games. When the weather's warm, he enjoys skateboarding.

Friends & Family



Born Kelly Elizabeth Walsh, Kelly is Robert's long-time best friend and girlfriend. Robert and Kelly met on a Harry Potter website in 2003 and instantly hit it off.

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