
From the 4chan wiki

Revision as of 06:35, 16 April 2006 by Anonymous Omega (Talk | contribs)

4chan.org is the reason you are here. It is an English-language collection of imageboards, inspired by the popular Japanese site 2ch. It was created by moot in 2003.



  • a (Anime & Manga)
  • an (Animals & Nature)
  • b (Random)
  • c (Anime/Cute)
  • cgl (Cosplay & EGL)
  • cm (Cute/Male)
  • d (Hentai/Alternative)
  • e (Ecchi)
  • f (Flash)
  • g (Technology)
  • gif (Animated GIF)
  • h (Hentai)
  • hr (High Resolution)
  • k (Weapons)
  • i (Oekaki)
  • ic (Artwork/Critique)
  • k (Weapons)
  • m (Mecha)
  • mu (Music)
  • n (News)
  • o (Auto)
  • p (Photography)
  • po (Papercraft & Origami)
  • r (Request)
  • s (Sexy Beautiful Women)
  • sp (Sports)
  • t (Torrents)
  • tv (Television & Film)
  • u (Yuri)
  • v (Video Games)
  • w (Anime/Wallpapers)
  • wg (Wallpapers/General)
  • y (Yaoi)


  • 5 (Pictures of 5)
  • z (?)
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