Fresh storage (...) not released before assignment
From 433253
Sample code:
int move; int *empty; empty = safe_malloc(sizeof(int)*NUM_EMPTY); empty = state_empty(s); /* this is the bad line */ ... move = empty[r]; free(empty);
Error message:
game.c:115:2: Fresh storage empty (type int *) not released before assignment: empty = state_empty(s) A memory leak has been detected. Storage allocated locally is not released before the last reference to it is lost. (Use -mustfreefresh to inhibit warning) game.c:114:2: Fresh storage empty created
The problem here is that the safe_malloc line is allocating a block of memory which empty is set to point to, but then on the next line empty is changed to point to the return of state_empty(), meaning there is now no longer anything pointing to the memory that safe_malloc returned, and thus it is lost (and leaked). To fix this code, it is simply a matter of removing the safe_malloc() line, since the memory is not required. In other situation you would need to put a free(empty) before you change the value of empty.