Common Splint Annotations
From 433253
Current revision as of 16:12, 6 October 2006
This is a list of common Splint annotations, their meanings and common usages.
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Marks that a pointer is a reference to externally owned memory.
Example: Wrapper for fopen
/*@dependent@*/ FILE *safe_fopen(const char *path, const char *mode);
Marks that a function will not return to this point after the function has been called.
Example: For usage function that exits after printing usage text
/*@noreturn@*/ void usage(void);
Marks that a function may either return a null pointer or take a null pointer as one of its arguments.
Example: Function that may return NULL
/*@null@*/ char *hash_table_lookup(Hash_Table *ht, char *key);
Example: Function that may be passed NULL as one of its arguments
Node *create_node(int value, /*@null@*/Node *nextnode);
Marks that memory reachable from reference need not be defined. ie. Something else will set legal values to the memory before it is used.
Example: Wrapper script for malloc
/*@out@*/void *safe_malloc(size_t size);
Marks that a parameter will be used as the return value.
Example: string will be returned in the return value
char *chomp(/*@returned@*/char *string);