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The shittiness of this article has been left
in in order to preserve unintentional hilarity
You can edit it, but don't count on it being any funnier.

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Drawing pictures of your teacher is one of the main functions of a calculator.
W3LC0M3 to M@TH class, kids. I am well aware that this is probably going to be your least favorite class, so I promise that I will trry to make it as fun for you as possible. Think of it as a spelling bee with numbers. Just take any available seat and the lesson may begin. Unfortunately, you are a n00b at this point and will only be able to solve very simple equations, but aftter a few lessons from me, you'll be so in touch with your inner c0mput3r that you'll never want to be without it. Sound exciting? I thought so....

Some of you may be thinking to yourselves, "God, you've got to be kidding me!?! I have advanced degrees in rocket science, bio-nuclear chemistry, and entertainment law, what else on earth would I possibly need to learn about math? Hey dumb-dumb, remember in high school when you asked yourself, "When, in my lifetime, am I ever going to have to use all this Algebra crap?" Well brainiac, the answer is now, right now. As of right now you are going to NEED your basic math and language skills to navigate through all this uncyclopedia nonsense in order to locate 8 diferrent femme fatale photographs hidden deep within the content. Am I speaking your language yet?

I can switch to explaining in everything in geek speak if that is your preference, but you really should go outside and get a life if you prefer to read binary code over English.

Femme Fatales

  • Veronica Waldo
  • Kitten Supreme
  • Ginger Pearl
  • Cruella Deville
  • Real She Hulk
  • The Duet Twins
  • G-Rated Voyeur
  • Wife Next-Door

So what does all this have to do with math?

Well, nothing really, except that you might actually learn a few things here and there as you're clicking around, trying to find these random photographs. As a show of faith and good measure, the first pic is free, right here on this page... The rest you must locate within the GAME PORTAL.

Happy hunting, and good luck!

Femme Fatale Images Currently in Portal: 2

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