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5 Cool Guys

From Wuw Archive

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Behold! This series is a text fiction based off of Wiki User High School, in which several of it's members discover they live near each other.

However, there's a catch. Each one episode is from another Author's point of view. This means you have to write a lot, Raiku. The main author can give certain authors appearences to each other. Just cue them and all that jazz.

Another catch is that there's 2 parts to this. Season 1 will be editable by all of the authors at all times, but will focus on the events of Bluebry and Nachoman's relationship, The Noid's rampage, and the last season will be written entirely by Chaos, focusing Chaos' dimentia and narcolepsy, and meeting of his student-teacher Noelle, leading up to a happy ending.

By the way, the order of authors is Bell, me, Lemon, Raiku, Seph. When Ryan wants a cameo, you automatically give it to him at one point in the episode. People who aren't authors but can ask for cameos are:

  • Skullbugy
  • Badstar


Season 1

season 1 will be more dramatic than comedic. Really, only the first episode will be comedy,then thee plot gets more serious. After that, we go crazy on whatever we want involving mood.

Season 2

With the series left in an awkward position on whether to do comedy or drama, they sit on it, and try to lead normal lives while they all know they're being watched. This season will be more audience-oriented, as they'll make constant references and 4th wall-breaks to the audience.

no episodes as of now

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