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The Super Cryptogamer Super Show!/Ween1

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< The Super Cryptogamer Super Show!
Revision as of 22:19, 25 November 2009 by Cryptogamer12 (Talk | contribs)
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{Open: a couch in the Yates. CG and Zoe are here.}

ZOE: Why are you doing the Halloween special three weeks after Ha-

CG: QUIET SISTER. Hello, and welcome to the first annual All Hallow's Eve special. Stay a while, and listen. {Cue theme. Cut to a street in the rain. Cg is walking along, whistling "Mad World". A hairy-handed gent holding a Chinese menu walks up to him.}

???: Excuse me, sir. My name's Warren. I was just wandering, do you happen to know where Lee Ho Fook's is? And perhaps, a place to stay the night?

CG: Yeah, right across from Billy Bison's. Oh, and check out the Yates Motel after the fact. They'd love to have another vict-customer.

WARREN: Thank you, good sir, now I'm off to get some beef chow mein! Awoooooooooo!

CG: {smiling} I'm terrified.

{Cut: the Yates. Vid is reading the newspaper.}

VID: Hell on a highway! Says here a little old lady got mauled late last night. Claw marks and wolf hair were found.

{Warren walks in}

WARREN: Hello, good sirs. I'll be staying for a while. Mister Gamére told me to get the room key from a Vid?

VID: {staring intently at the paper} Yeah, here ya go. {tosses keys behind him}

{Cut: Later that night, in the kjitchen of the Yates. Everyone is in their costumes now. L.U.S.C.A.-4 is hauling a GIANT sack of candy, when}

???: A-woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

SG: What the sam hell?


CG: Well, that explains things! I'm outta here! Oh, you might wanna try a trap play. Hut one! {runs out}

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