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I Know Why The Sun Shines/2

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The series REALLY begins, with the Wikihood and EYKIW cast, 10 years after Wikihood's destruction.


CHAOS: Today, of all days, I had to get up. The "Celebration" of Wikihood's passing on. {sighs} I guess I should head to the center.

{Chaos appears in the center of a futuristic city, with Badstar, Znex, Sephiroth, and Cow Puncher also there.}

COW: I can't belive Wikihood died... But, that was 10 years ago. We could save Wikihood anytime.

CHAOS: That isn't the problem! It was more than just destroyed! We can't bring it back! Not any way, ever again.

COW: Well, I just HAPPEN to be magical...

VINDICATOR: That still won't bring it back...

{Vindicator appears next to Cow Puncher.}

VINDICATOR: But I have found a way...

{Vindicator pulls out a map.}

VINDICATOR: This map can lead to a source that CAN bring back Wikihood. There's just a problem...

ZNEX: Frankly, I don't really particularly care if Wikihood HAS ended or not. Well, after all, there is this. {sound of wall breaking} But, go on.

VINDICATOR: The source needs HUNDREDS of parts, which are scattered ALL across the world. If we did go get it, we'd need to pick up all of the parts to make it WORK.

ZNEX: We could always get them all at the same time. I could time warp all of you to the places and then when you've got the part(s), you can send me a signal through time and space using this: {holds up mobile phone} And then, I shall time warp you back. However, when signalling me, don't signal me ten seconds after you leave in this time. A minute should suffice.

COW: But how will we know when to signal you?

ZNEX: There's a time section somewhere on the phone's screen. Program it to the right time immediately when you reach there. It all good?

VINDICATOR: That won't help. Even if we did teleport, the monsters guarding them wouldn't give up so easily.

ZNEX: Then we could always freeze time....

VINDICATOR: If they weren't embeded with the pieces you need!

ZNEX: Fine. Then what do you suggest?

CHAOS: Before he goes on, even if we did this, we'd need to stock up on weaponry. Luckily, I have my dual beam swords on my person.

BADSTAR: I don't need weaponary. I have my powers.

COW: {Pulls out nunchuck, sword, 5 kunais, and 3 bombs} Your luck I've been a ninja for 600 years.

SEPHIROTH: Ninja? Heh. Cool. I've had this robotic arm for 12 years. And it's worth it! Look at this! {He makes a Portal on a wall and the floor. He jumps into the floor, and comes out of the wall.} I fused my portal gun with my robot arm!

COW:You mean I fused it. I'm the only fuse guy here.

SEPHIROTH: No, I mean I did. I'll say combine then.

CHAOS: You two are following behind.

{Cow and Sephiroth look to see the rest of the group already ahead, with the acception of Vindicator and Znex.}

CHAOS: Vindicator left, Znex'll be there when we are, and we're about to head out. Come on, you two!

COW: I am. {Chaos bumps into Cow}

{Sephiroth blasts a portal ahead, ad jumps into it.}

SEPHIROTH: I love my robot arm! I also love my Companion Cube! {A Weighted Companion Cube comes out of his arm.}

{Im a bell if floating in the air above the city, spots Chaos, and flys down to him}

BELL: Hello, Chaos. Oh, same for all of you, too. How are you guys?

SEPHIROTH: I'm good. Look at my portal gun! {Points to the portal gun, attached to his arm.}

BELL: Your cheerfulness makes me sick!

{Sephiroth shoots a portal up to the sky, and then at Bell's feet. He pushes him into the portal, so he's falling in a loop. He gets rid of the portal on the floor, so Bell falls flat on his face.}

SEPHIROTH: Heheheheh. Your Unhappiness makes me sick.

BELL: {points blaster at Sephiroth's head} You seem to be forgetting that I have Proto Man's body.

SEPHIROTH: {Reveals a Nice, Bright, Shiny Smile that Twinkles.} You seem to be forgetting, that I have regenerative skills.

BELL: {sighs, puts blaster away} I do not care about your life, but you were the old Bell's friend, so I will not harm you, even IF you have regenerative skills.

SEPHIROTH: {Laughs in a Good Manner.} Nice to see you again Bell! You need to lighten up a little! {Accidentally Fires a portal at a nearby building.}

BELL:{sighs} I am not the Bell you once knew. I am The New Bell. My only purpose is to prevent the Cataclysm that created me and was caused by the murder of the old Bell. I have either two choices. Murder Kanjiro, or take the old Bell's place in the Battel Tournament finals. {looks at Chaos} Hmm... CHAOS! In the year 27XX, do NOT start a Battels Tournament! But, if you do, do NOT allow the old Bell to compete! If you let him, do not let Kanjiro! Kanjiro is going to kill Bell in the finals of the tournament, starting the Cataclysm that created me!


BELL: ...{sighs} Chaos, were you even listening to me?

SEPHIROTH: Weighted Companion Cube was. He will never threaten to stab you, or harm you. He's not really a talker.

WCC: ......

BELL: Hmm... You sure he actually CAN speak?

SEPHIROTH: Yeah! Of Course! However, I never did hear him speak. I don't even know if it's a He! It could be a She, you know, with the Hearts and all.

BELL: Well, then how do you KNOW he- she- it can speak?

SEPHIROTH: Well, ....I don't.

WCC: ..... {Hops a little to the left.}

SEPHIROTH: See! It moved! It lives!!

BELL: {sighs} Hey, Cube, say "Douglas".

WCC: ......

SEPHIROTH: It's just shy.

BELL: Hmm... {hugs WCC} I think that should work. Now, Cubie, say "Douglas". If this doesn't work he can't speak.

{Bell and Sephiroth look to see that Chaos, Badstar and Cow Puncher have been replaced with a paper reading "Went off questing at Mountain. Byes!.}

BELL: Well, crap. They ditched us. Well, I'm gonna go get drunk and destroy a bar. {walks off}

SEPHIROTH: No Need! I can make a portal! I see them in the distance! {Fires a Portal into the mountain, where they are. Both jump into the portal.}

BELL: WAIT! You forgot Cube! {jumps back through portal, grabs WCC, jumps into portal again} There. I guess snce Cube hasn't spoken yet, he can't speak at all. I'll fix that later.

{Sephiroth puts cube into Pocket.}

SEPHIROTH: You seem... to have random bursts of silliness. .....I have a feeling, the Old Bell is inside you, hidden somewhere.

BELL: Well of course he is! I fused with his dead body! Hmm, but that shouldn't make me weird... Oh crap! I forgot! The old Bell still exists in this time! I need to make sure he doesn't see me!

SEPHIROTH: W..w...Wait... Wait a Tick!? I hear a bit of a lisp on you. Bling? ..BLING FUSED WITH A DEAD CORPSE!?!?!?!

BELL: Ding! 50 points for you! {eyes widen} Aw crap. He's closer than I thought. {sighs} Anyways, yes. I had to fuse with Bell's corpse to survive the Cataclysm that Kanjiro started.

SEPHIROTH: Well.... We better go off.

BELL: Yes.

SEPHIROTH: Wait... {looks around} They left without us again!

BELL: Er... Um... Ehh... Crap.

ZNEX: Nah, I'm still here.

{Sephiroth and Im a bell turn to see Znex leaning against a part of cave wall.}

ZNEX: The others told me to stay behind in case you ever came. Oh, yeah, and here's a copy of the map they used.

{Znex gives Sephiroth and Im a bell a hologram container.}

ZNEX: Turn that on, and you should be able to find where we're supposed to be going. Well, I shall go now.

{Znex fades out and disappears.}

SEPHIROTH: {turns on hologram} Well, looks like we're going to.... {looks at hologram} Weird.. This map is written in Latin!?

BELL: {sighs, sets blaster to Mode 501, blasts map, map becomes English} There. Happy now?

CHAOS: It says we're heading for a large mountain with an unseeable top. Oooh! Eerie!

BELL: Hmm... yes. By the way, did you hear what I told you, Chaos?

CHAOS: Right. Something about a...turning signal party without Kanjiro, Right?

BELL: {sighs} No. "In the year 27XX, do NOT start a Battels Tournament! But, if you do, do NOT allow the old Bell to compete! If you let him, do not let Kanjiro! Kanjiro is going to kill Bell in the finals of the tournament, starting the Cataclysm that created me!" Got it?

CHAOS: Bell?

SEPHIROTH: I know! I could take Bells place! I am pretty invulnerable, so I'll probably survive! Leaving Bell alive, and everyone happy!

BELL: Hmm... That could work! Thank you, Sephiroth! The old Bell will live! Hoorah!

CHAOS: I already held that tournament where you died at the hands of Kanjiro. It was after the great war, remember?The one where we beat ShadowMarks to a bloody pulp?

SEPHIROTH: Hmm... Well, I know a way around that. I know a device, that can travel through time and space. I found it somewhere that I can't tell.

CHAOS: Did you sneak into my basement again, Sephiroth?

SEPHIROTH: No, I learnt my lesson.

{Cut to a flashback. In Chaos's basement. It is really dark. He is holding a little remote. He presses the button on it, and the light turns on, revealing Sephiroth being surronded by many Daleks.}


{Cut back.}

SEPHIROTH: Whoa. Follow me to my base. I'll show ya.

{Cuts to Sephiroth's Base.}

CHAOS: I think we should hurry it up, whatever you're doing. We need to go! It's supposed to take about 2 episodes to get to the mountain!

SEPHIROTH: {Cough} Fourthwallbreak {Cough} Anyway, look at this! {Lures Chaos to a room with a large thing getting covered by a cloak. He removes the cloak, to reveal a big Blue PhoneBox, called a Policebox.} Behold! The Tardis!....I kinda redesigned it to be after Doctor Who. I'm a fan of that show.

CHAOS: You dragged me here, AWAY from the group who is SURELY causing trouble without us their to calm them down, to show me a time machine modeled after a show that I disrespect in so many ways? That's it, I'm OUTTA here! Next time you have a "Miracle invention", don't even bother showing me.

{He grabs Sephiroth's arm and teleports the two back to the group.}

SEPHIROTH: It works like a real time machine.... BECAUSE IT IS!!!

CHAOS: Status report idio-{Looks at the others, who are all wearing angry faces}Uh...Guys {Faces smile}.

SEPHIROTH: You shouldn't be talking. You still owe us for attempting to kill us all.

CHAOS: But in the end, I only got away with killing 2 of you. {Smiles}

BELL: Wait, the tournament was already held? BUT HOW IS THE EARTH STILL INTACT? Hmm, I suppose if... {creates clone of self and Tardis, sends clone into clone Tardis} There. Now the Shadowy Author can't kill me.


SEPHIROTH: Not a good idea Bell. {Clone Tardis Explodes, Obliberating Fake-Bell.} The Tardis's Technology is too much to clone.


{Pan a few inches to show Sephiroth just next the Chaos.}

SEPHIROTH: Ow. Earache.

BELL: GOD! I don't need this! I'm just gonna travel back in time MYSELF! Gaah!! But first, {clones self, rips remnants of old Bell's soul out, pushes remnants into clone, clone becomes old Bell} There! {travels back in time}

IM A BELL: Huhwhat? Why am I here?Oh, hey Chaos, Seph, Badstar, Vindi, CP. How ya guys be? {looks at Sephiroth's arm} NICE PORTAL GUN!

SEPHIROTH: I know! Well, this works! YAY!! Non-Stubborn Old Bell!

IM A BELL: DID YOU JUST CALL ME OLD-Oh. Right. that Prots-Bling hybrid.

'CHAOS: Let's just head off to that mountain.


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