Laws of the West Coast

From Usgovsim

Laws of the West Coast, and what they do.


[edit] Laws

[edit] WCO-1: Minimum Wage Auto Increase Act

Increases the minimum wage every four years, based on median wages, regional and Federal, and Federal poverty guidelines. Passed 54-45.

[edit] WCO-2: Supplementary Police Grant Act

Appropriates $1,000,000,000 each year to high-crime areas for the purpose of hiring new police officers. Passed 71-29.

[edit] WCO-3: Civil Unions Act

Creates "civil unions" with rights equivalent to marriage. Removes all gender-specific language from Family Code. Passed 51-50.

[edit] WCO-4: Death Penalty Legislative Referendum

Putting a referendum before the people on whether capital punishment should be eliminated. Passed 83-18. Referendum passed/failed.

[edit] WCO-5: 50% College Fee Reduction Act

Appropriates $1.335 billion to colleges to offset halving of tuition costs. All public four year colleges tuition is capped. Passed.

[edit] WCO-6: Sick Leave Act

All employers must provide paid sick leave for illnesses of employees and employee family members and domestic partners. Passed 53-48.

[edit] WCO-10: Bill of Rights Legislative Constitutional Amendment

Putting a referendum before the people on whether or not the Constitution's Declaration of Rights shall be amended to protect "sexual orientation". Passed 56-0. Referendum passed/failed.

[edit] WCO-12: West Coast Health Insurance Reliability Act

Establishes universal healthcare for West Coast. Creates elective office of Health Insurance Commissioner, appointed Health Insurance Policy Board. Basically they keep health insurance system of high quality, reliable, efficient, and low cost. Passed 51-50.

[edit] WCO-13: Lottery Act of 2009

Increased prize payouts on certain lottery games. Removed various restrictions on the types of games that could be played. Projected to add $462.4 million to education budget each year past 2012. Passed.

[edit] WCO-15: Teacher Signing Bonus Act

A one-time, non-taxable bonus of $10,000 is offered to teachers who choose to work at underperforming schools. Passed 55-37.

[edit] WCO-22: Critical Infrastructure Rehabilitation Act

Created a commission to study and report on how the power grid handled the solar storm crisis, suggest improvements. Passed.

[edit] WCO-26: Call for a Constitutional Convention to Consider the Equal Rights Amendment

The West Coast legislature calls a Constitutional Convention (under Article Five of the US Constitution) to consider the Equal Rights Amendment. Passes 72-29.

[edit] WCO-27:Solar Storm Tax Relief Act

Gives a 25% tax credit on losses to businesses that suffered $5,000 or more damage in the solar storm. Unless they lay off employees due to the storm. Passed.

[edit] WCO-29: Sandy Shores for Tourists and Turtles Act

To open access to Pacific beaches to encourage tourism and environmental sustainability. Passed 51-50.

[edit] WCO-32: Dredging Our Way to a Brighter Tomorrow Act

Appropriates $10 million to dredge Washington and Oregon rivers and channels leading to the Pacific Ocean, authorizes the Governor to enlist the aid of the US Army Corps of Engineers if necessary. Passed.

[edit] WCO-36: Voter Access Act

$16 million is appropriated each year to local election officials for the purpose of opening 10,000 new polling locations. Passed.

[edit] WCO 37: West Coast Regional Flag Commission Act

Creates a commission, made up of the Governor, Lt. Governor, and an appointee by each, to create a new flag for the West Coast. Passed.

[edit] WCO-39: West Coast Zero Carbon Dioxide Emission Electrical Generation Act of 2011

New nuclear reactors no longer require a high-level waste storage facility before construction begins, because of Yucca Mountain. Passes.

[edit] WCO-41: Hybrid Vehicle "Clean Air Sticker" Extension Act

Extends the "Clean Air Sticker" program, whereby highly-efficient vehicles get to use the HOV lane, to 2016 and to an additional 250,000 vehicles. Passed.

[edit] Resolutions

[edit] WCO-7: Resolution congratulating Sam Querrey

The legislature is resolved that California native Sam Querry is to be congratulated on winning the Australian Open tennis tournament. Passed by UC.

[edit] WCO-8: Resolution Calling for a Lift on the Stays on Death Penalties

The legislature is resolved that Governor Koo should lift all stays of execution, and resolved that any change in death penalty law should be done via referendum. Passed 48-46.

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