
From Universalwiki

(Redirected from Racing Games)
Starting a race.

Racing is a minigame. Many worlds include a race track (either on land or on water) to be used by one or more people. A series of flags appear along the race course and every player must go through these flags (in order) to complete the race. The person to do this the fastest is the winner.

Current settings allow for the number of laps and the entrance fee to be set. Best lap times are displayed, so if there is no one else to race you can try for getting your name on the list to employ for later bragging rights.

To begin a race type ".startrace" in the chat window (no quotes) a race menu will then be displayed to select the race settings. Anyone else on the world is eligible to join by typing ".joinrace". A player can leave a race by typing ".leaverace".

Starting a race.

Thanks to a more recent addition, it is now possible to start or join a race via the new Minigames List. Simply click on appropriate text after clicking on the Minigames List button. (Text will appear shaded if no race course has been set up.

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