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Ultrarunning: a definition

  • run -verb: to go quickly by moving the legs more rapidly than at a walk and in such a manner that for an instant in each step both feet are off the ground.
  • running -noun (sports): the exercise of sport of someone who runs.
  • ultra –adjective: going beyond what is usual or ordinary; excessive; extreme.
  • ultra- -preffix: far beyond the normal or proper degree of.
  • ultrarunning -noun (sports): the sport of someone who runs distances far beyond what is ordinary; extreme running.

So what is "usual" or "ordinary"? It has been established within the ultrarunning community that the "ordinary" distance is the marathon, or 26.2 miles. Therefore, any person that runs more than 26.2 miles at a pop can consider themselves an ultrarunner. Welcome to the club! Any race longer than the marathon distance is called an "ultramarathon", with the more traditional distances being 50Km, 50M, 100Km, and 100M.




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