Ultimate Spider-Man 42

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Cover to Ultimate Spider-Man 42. Art by Mark Bagley

[edit] “Temptation”

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Pencils: Mark Bagley

Inker: Art Thibert

Editor: Ralph Macchio

Publication Date: August 2003

Peter Parker makes his way to PS44 in his unfinished Spider-Man costume. He passes over police cars heading towards the school, from which he can see black smoke rising from.

Peter arrives at PS44 to find Geldoff surrounded by students who have been watching him explode cars in the parking lot. Peter, expecting a fight, is taken back when Geldoff seems confused. The cops arrive and Peter begins to leave the scene, Geldoff asks Peter to take him with him. Peter declines and leaps away but Geldoff grabs onto his shirt, hitching a ride. Geldoff then slips and begins to fall, but Peter catches him and then takes him to a nearby rooftop. Peter then asks Geldoff what he was doing.

• In broken English, Geldoff explains that his school’s principal suspended half of the football team for what happened at the party (Ultimate Spider-Man 41). Geldoff says he got really drunk at the party and blew up a car for fun. He blew up the principal’s car when he wouldn’t unsuspend the football team, then he got carried away and blew up a teacher’s car because she called him a name.

Peter tries to talk to Geldoff about using his powers responsibly but Geldoff doesn’t really listen to anything he says. Geldoff explains his powers to Peter saying that all he does is focus and think and then something explodes. He tells Peter that he does not know how he got his powers. Peter then assumes that Geldoff is a mutant. Geldoff gets really upset about this, saying that mutants are “the devil’s children.”

Geldoff tells Peter that he is an orphan from Latveria, and that he was adopted by an American family nearly two years before. He also says that his adopted parents believe that he is a mutant and are scared of him. Geldoff says he got carried away today but nobody at his school liked or cared about him until he got the powers, and not that he does, everyone loves him. Peter tries to convince him that he should use his powers to help people.

Peter and Geldoff’s conversation is interrupted by the sounds of a robbery from the streets below at a check cashing place. Peter jumps off the building and intercepts to stop it. He stops the robbery with no problems at all, when the storefront explodes. After checking to make sure that no one is seriously hurt, Peter moves back to the roof where Geldoff is bragging that he stopped the robbery with his powers.

Peter hits Geldoff for nearly killing the people inside. He then tells Geldoff that he is taking him to the cops, to which Geldoff threatens to explode Peter from the inside. Before any violence can erupt, they are interrupted by Jean Grey, Kitty Pryde, and Storm of the X-Men. Spider-Man states to Geldoff “Told you you were a mutant.”


- The robbers that Peter stops are wearing masks of Captain America, Iron Man, and Batman.

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