Ultimate Spider-Man 39

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Cover to Ultimate Spider-Man 39. Art by Mark Bagley

[edit] “Therapy”

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis

Pencils: Mark Bagley

Inker: Art Thibert

Editor: Ralph Macchio

Publication Date: June 2003

Nick Fury is having a meal at an outdoor café. He receives a message through his earpiece that there is recurring energy flux in his immediate area. He is then provided intelligence through his watch communicator of the identity of the flux. Fury tells his support to take no action, that he will take care of the situation himself.

Fury leaves the café, and walks into a nearby alley. He activates a device on his watch that causes a bright beam of light to emit. Seconds later, a form comes crashing down from above into a nearby dumpster. It is revealed to be Peter Parker. Fury reveals that he hit him with a temporary genetic paralysis.

Fury questions Parker, wanting to know why he has been following him and for how long. Peter reveals that he has been following Fury for over an hour. Fury, being the leader of the top espionage organization on the plant is impressed by this. Peter tells Fury that he wants his powers taken away, that he doesn’t want to do this anymore. Fury refuses and asks Peter what happened.

|Peter tells Fury about his fight with Eddie Brock (Ultimate Spider-Man 38). Fury communicates with Agent Carter and verifies. Fury asks if Peter killed Eddie and Peter replies he thinks so. He tells Fury that the body disappeared, to which Fury replies that if there is no corpse, then your suspect is still alive.

|Peter reiterates his earlier demand that Fury take his powers, Fury refuses again telling Peter that he has just had a rough day and that the next one will be better. He asks Peter if he remembers what he was told the last time they met (Ultimate Spider-Man 24). Peter replies that Fury said he was going to be his prisoner once he was an adult because he is an illegal genetic mutation. Fury corrects Peter and tells him that he told Peter to “enjoy your youth”, that he is too young too be involved with this now, but when he comes of age he will be part of Fury’s team, that he will work along with Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, and Captain America. Fury tells Peter that his is going to be one of the greats, and that people would kill to be him. Fury tells Peter that he doesn’t have to be Spider-Man every day.

Peter asks Fury how his parents died, implying that Fury was involved in their deaths. Fury tells Peter that 10 years ago, he was in college in India. Fury says that his parents died when he was a kid too, and tells Peter to go home and be a teenager. As he walks away, he tells Peter to make an appointment next time, or he will shoot him.

Peter goes to Empire State University and to Eddie Brock’s dorm room. He finds Eddie’s roommate cleaning. He tells Peter that he missed Eddie, that he had been by and picked up all of his stuff. The roommate says that he wasn’t there at the time when Eddie took his stuff. Eddie didn’t say anything or leave any kind of a note. The roommate tells Peter that Eddie was a loser and always lying about stuff. He also had a real problem with women and went psycho when they turned him down.

|Peter returns to the science building and investigates the locker where the suit was kept. He is startled by Curt Connors, who is sitting in the dark watching him. Connors asks him if he is Peter Parker. Not waiting for an answer, he tells Peter that he saw him on television, wearing the black suit. He did not put the facts together that Richard Parker’s son and Spider-Man were the same person until Peter came here, this night. Connors then asks Peter if they had met before and if Peter had saved him and his family. Peter replies yes. Connors asks Peter if he ever told anyone about that to which Peter replies no.

Curt Connors tells Peter that all of the evidence of the suit is gone, all of the files, the notes, and the rest of the sample. Connors states that all genetic experiments go bad and he feels they are all punished for their transgressions. Connors then passes out drunk from the whiskey he has been downing. Peter leaves.

• While Peter bounds across a nearby rooftop, his spider-sense goes off. He stops to look, feeling that Eddie is near. Peter calls out for Eddie and offers to help him. He receives no response and is left alone on the rooftop.


- Peter first encountered Curt Connors as the Lizard in Ultimate Marvel Team-Up. A flashback is shown in this issue of Curt Connors as the Lizard fighting Spider-Man.

- During Dr. Connors drunken rant, he mentions his own case, Peter’s father’s research, Norman Osborn, Otto Octavius, mutantkind, and the Ultimates as evidence of their failure.

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