Newsletter, November 17, 2006

From Tribewanted

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17th November Endless summers on Vorovoro, the BBC, fishing, first female chief, Mr.Fogle, tribal christmas pressies and yes, drugs….there’s a lot happening this week in the Vorovoro tribe.

Tribe decide that members should be able to stay as long as they like on Vorovoro

In perhaps the closest vote yet, the tribe have voted for members to buy able to buy an unlimited number weeks on Vorovoro. So now we can all come back to this beautiful island year after year. But how will it actually work?

Tribe members wishing to buy extra weeks can do so now through paypal Each new week brought will count as a place taken towards the goal of 5000. Once we hit 5000 places taken there will be no more available. Buying extra weeks does not mean, however, that tribe members get extra profiles or tribe packs, sorry! As soon as tribe members have brought extra weeks they will be able to reserve their preferred dates on Vorovoro. The price of extra weeks will remain at £120/$220 regardless of how many weeks are brought.

Fiji – a safe place to travel to

There may have been reports abroad regarding the political situation in Fiji. This impasse has continued for some months now but with little affectations on peoples’ everyday lives. However, concerns shown are genuine. That said some of the reporting may be a bit over the top and far from the reality of what life is all about in Fiji.

On Vorovoro, tribal living is normal. At national level, major tour operators, including Fiji’s international airline Air Pacific, are reporting normal figures with hotel chains indicating normal occupancy. Arrival process and procedures is normal at Nadi, with assurances given by the responsible agencies of no extra procedures or disruptions for inbound travellers.

If needed, further information on this can be viewed from the respective country travel advisories through the embassies. We will keep you all updated but there is no cause for alarm.

BBC documentary confirmed for 2007

As many of you will know Shine television have been documenting the tribewanted story for the past 6 months. Well this week the BBC finally put pen to paper and agreed to show five one hour episodes about the whole story of tribewanted in the Autumn of 2007. This will be the ultimate holiday video for all involved. For our non-UK tribbies, don’t worry we’re sure the doc will make to your side of the pond in some shape or form soon after…if not you’ll have to come to the UK for few weeks of gathering mayhem.

Ben and Mark are really pleased to be able to inform you of this development as it is something that we have been working on, behind the scenes, for some time. The documentary will chart tribewanted, from beginning to a year on. Can a dream launched by two 26 year old's, that is now a dream for over 1000 people actually work? This will be an excellent programme and now is the time to encourage friends and family to sign up as we document this truly unique adventure.

Tribe go fishing and snorkelling

Activities are now going well on Vorovoro with weekly fishing, snorkelling and school trips. Check out the tribbies efforts at hand-line trawling this week…

Justine's early morning work means we'll all be eating yellow-finned tuna steaks by sunset

Girl Power:

20 year old Riah Dawn from Bend, Oregon becomes the Vorovoro Tribe’s first female chief, just in time for Christmas.

Ben Fogle plans his trip to Vorovoro

Tribe member 924 is ready for another adventure. Watch out of the next few weeks as Ben could well be camping, building and composting next to you!

Christmas present to remember!

Tribal membership would be a pretty cool thing to find in your stocking wouldn’t it? If you want a tribal pack to wrap-up and fill someone’s Christmas with a bucket load of Fijian sunshine then buy membership this week.

Drug taking on Vorovoro: a reminder

It has come to our and the local communities attention that some tribe members have been involved with drug taking on Vorovoro since September 1st. We want to re-iterate what tribe members agree to abide by in the terms and conditions when they join:

“No illegal drugs or substances will be allowed onto the Island. In accordance with Fijian law, if any illegal substances are found this will result in instant dismissal from the Island.”

If people are caught in possession of illegal substances on Vorovoro they will be immediately asked to leave the island and their tribal membership will be cancelled with no refunds being given.

If it comes to our attention that illegal substances have been taken to Vorovoro and/or used on the island then we will investigate and take action that we deem appropriate.

Bringing illegal substances onto Vorovoro has the potential to compromise the whole project, both in terms of our reputation as an organisation and tribe, and our relationship with the people of Mali.


This advisory reiterates the policy stand of the great council of Chiefs against drug use through to its administrative bodies: Provincial (Yasana) Councils down, where villages of the different tikinas (districts) in conjunction with the regional police centres have been working jointly in addressing the issue of drug use in villages. The fact remains that indulgence in drugs whether through cultivation or use remain an offence under the Fiji penal code. Depending on the facts, penalties may range from fines to imprisonment or a combination of both. For non-citizens, the issue of deportation is an inevitable conclusion. No arrangement can supercede that, once the facts are clearly established as demanded by the due process of law. For Vorovoro Island, in considering the nature of the development and partnership fostered, it would be compromising in my position as the Tui Mali and member of the Great Council of Chiefs to say otherwise, regarding Tribewanted and its members.

The working channels established between the tikina Councils and the police throughout Fiji is clear where the tikina through its leadership must take the necessary measures deemed proper given the circumstances to observe its zero tolerance stand on drug use at village level. This is the policy stand under the Fijian administration which has seen large government funded awareness programs. The tikina of Mali observe this policy and enforces it through respective village headman(s) and committees.

That said, I do respect people’s choices but that can only be contextual in this instance given the black letter of the law and the powers of Fijian administration through the tikina and provincial councils. All I ask is to respect each other’s presence and purpose on our lovely little island such that we can all have a wonderful time and an experience to remember.

Vina’a Ratu Apenisa Bogiso Taukei Davetalevu/Tui Mali November 2006

Vinka for now, Tribewanted HQ

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