Newsletter, September 5, 2006

From Tribewanted

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We hope that you are all well and doing good. It is time for these weeks tribewanted updates, so let's get into full flow.

1st September launch:

The launch of the first footers hitting the island went very well indeed and you can find updates on the Tribewanted Blog.

The Tribewanted Blog

Tribe members have recieved an update via a letter from Chief Poques

We also have some special blogs from Vorovoro for you:

Vorovoro 1

Vorovoro 2

November Chief voting:

We have had two equally fantastic applications for November Chief:

Stuart Kimberly, UK

View Stuart's Chief-cast:¤t=Picture001.flv

View Stuart's manifesto

Glen Bouckaert, Belgium

View Glen's Chief-cast:

View Glen's manifesto

Once you have viewed both Chiefcasts and read both manifestations pleae head over to the voting booth and vote:

Voting will end on the 19th September.

Books for the children of Mali:

We have been inundated with requests from tribe members who have gathered together books in order to send over to develop the library for the children of Mali. If you have books that you would like to send over please send them to:

Tribewanted Vorovoro PO Boz 2670 Labasa Fiji Islands

T-shirts & flyers:

We have been putting all our energies into the launch of the 1st September, nevertheless we are now back on track and will be sending t-shirts and flyers out to those who have requested them. Thank you for your patience.

Tribe packs:

We have had a team working behind the scenes individually preparing each of the 900 tribe packs and we have been sending these off one country at a time, the UK is just about done so if you are from the UK and have not recieved your tribal pack please let us know on admin at

This week we are focussing on the USA tribe packs so all USA tribbies should recieve theirs shortly!

Tribewanted Global Gathering co-ordinators required:

Have you been to a tribal gathering in your area? Oh, there arent any are there? How about starting one up. Tribe gatherings have been a fun way to get to know knew people and to spread the word about tribewanted. If you would like to organise tribal gatherings in your area, wherever you are in the world then please e-mail the admin at

Vinaka Vakalevu,

Until next week!

Tribewanted HQ

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