Craig Enderby, manifesto

From Tribewanted

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Current revision as of 13:18, 16 February 2007

Why would I like to be chief?

I originally planned to stay on VoroVoro for two weeks as a leg of a round the world trip but within the first hour of stepping onto the island I knew two weeks would never be long enough for me. Since leaving England six months ago I have learnt a lot more about what the priorities are in life and to have the chance to help the most amazing community I have ever experienced would be a dream come true.

What skills would I bring to this role?

I am not afraid to get stuck in to any situation. I think I perform to the best on my abilities when out of my comfort zone. I love culture. Whatever culture I am amongst I find myself wanting to know more. I love sitting back and watching and listening to the goings on of the island, from the dinner be prepared to the decisions be made by Tui Mali. i would like to think i have built a good relationship with all the people on the island over the past 11 days and would like to continue that by working with them on some of the amazing projects in the 'pipeline'. One thing i have learned while i have been on the road for six months is when to keep my mouth shut and absorb whats going on around me, whether that be advice, someones view or opinion, or even just a funny story. I have also learnt when to speak up and be heard. It is when you have a balance of the two you can make a difference and start making things happening. I think i have gained these skills.

What would i like to achieve as Chief?

Like everyone who applies to become chief i want to make a difference. Having a slight advantage i think of actually being on the island as i write this manafesto i can see what really needs to be done to help the members coming to the island and to the people living on and around the island. I have a mind full of ideas and possibilities for the community and would love to start sharing them with all of you for your views.

What would i like to do with my small pot of money?

In have now visited the school twice and abolutley love going! These children are the friendliest, funniest, brightest children i have ever met. I would love to do something with them. I was thinking today actually that maybe a trip over to VoroVoro for a day trip/picnic would be nice, followed by some new text books as the first and second years are still using slate boards to write on. I will keep thinking about that one but definitely something to help those amazing kids.

Please vote for me to extend my stay here on the best place on earth and give something back to the most hospitable people i have ever met.

Thank you

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