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The Ministry of Magic

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The Fountain in the Arium



Minister of Magic's Office

This is where Oliver Wood conducts reports ad such on his departments; its also where he meets with the Heads of his Departments to discuss important goings on in the Ministry itself. His two assistants Peyton Kettle and Ron Weasley also have offices just off the main one of the Miniters.


Department of Magical Law Enforcement

See Also: Aurors

If you've been summoned here, chances are it's not good. This department contains many divisions for the keeping and protection of the wizarding and muggle communities from the dangers that they tend to cause themselves. These Divisions are The Auror Headquarters, The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office, The Magical Law Enforcement Squad and The Improper Use of Magic Offices.

The head of the department is Michael Kettle.

The Employees of this department are:

Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes

This department is for the prevention and/or clean up, of muggle's messes when they interfere with the wizarding world. Contains the Obliviators, Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee, and the Magical Reversal Squad.

The Head of this department is Savannah Harvey

The Employees of this department are:

Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Contains many offices for the protection, registration, and relocation of magical creatures. This department has four different offices to deal with all of the creatures that live secretly throughout the world. The divisions are Animagus Registration Office, Beast, Being and Spirit Divinsion and the Pest Advisory Bereau.

The Head of this department is Mortimer K. Fulchar

The Employees of this department are:

Department of International Magical Cooperation

To be working here means that you will be helping the various Ministries of the world and their relations with one another. This department also has a say in the trading regulations of the world. The Divisions are International Magical Office of Law and International Confederation of Wizards Office.

The Head of this department is Samantha Baker

The employee's of this department are:

Department of Magical Transportation

This department deals with all of the various ways wizards go from Points A to B. Complete with many offices that cater to the wandering as well as perched and ready to fly wizards. Everything from Apparation Licenses to Portkey Authorisation can be found in his part of the Ministry.

The Head of this departent is Kaitlyn Siven

The Employee's of this department are:

Department of Magical Games and Sports

Did someone say Quidditch?!?!?!! A messy little department that's known for its enthusiasm in the wizarding world. Although it may not be the most wonderfully arranged, nor run, it's definitely one of the busiest. The divisions within this department are The Quidditch Office, The Dueling Office and The Wizarding Game Developers Office.

The Head of this department is Sir James K. F. Bannister

The Employee's of this department are:

Department of Mysteries

No one quite knows what goes on here. The security and secrecy have only doubled since the battle that occurred here, so long ago. Neatly shoved into the back wall of the ninth cellar of the Ministry, only a certain chosen few are allowed admittance. The divisions within this department are The Wizengamot Offices and Courtrooms, The Charm and Spell Developers Headquarters, Secret Researchers Headquarters, The Prophecy Holders Offices, The Time Researchers Offices and The Unspeakables Offices.

The Head of this Department is Irik Yurishori

The Employees of this department are:

Other Areas within The Ministry of Magic

The Red Telephone Box

A visitor to the Ministry of Magic comes to a broken-down red telephone box located on a dingy street which has several shabby offices, a pub, and a wall covered with graffitti. When the telephone in the box is dialed (62442, the word M-A-G-I-C), the welcome witch's voice answers, not from the phone but from the air as if the person is standing right there. Visitors must state their business, upon which a silver badge pops out with the visitor's name and purpose of visit. Then the telephone box drops down like a lift for about one minute, after which the visitor is in the Atrium.

The Atrium

The Atrium is a large hall with fireplaces up and down both long walls. Down the left-hand side of the hall are gilded fireplaces which witches and wizards can use to arrive at the Ministry. The right-hand side contains gilded fireplaces as well, and these are used for departures. The floor is polished dark wood. The ceiling is peacock blue with golden symbols moving across it. At the end of the Atrium is a set of golden gates. Another smaller hall is beyond the gates and here there is a series of lifts. The Head of the Atrium is Kyle Bannister.

Administrative Office

The main offices of the Minister of Magic Oliver Wood, as well as their Undersecretary Ronald Weasley and Junior Undersecretary Peyton Kettle. If you have a problem in your ministry, or if you simply want to speak your piece about the wizarding world, stop by and bug the Minister while they're doing some work that is most-likely important.

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