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Spell Archives 4

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Page four of The Prophecy's extensive spell lists.


Summoning Charm

The incantation for this spell is Accio and it is used to summon objects to the caster. The counterspell is the banishing charm and it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Airway Clearing Charm

The incantation for this spell is Apapneo. This unblocks a person's airway if they are choking on something; a lifesaving spell. There is no counterspell and it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Bird Summoning Charm

The incantation for this spell is Avis. The spell summons a flock of birds. There is no counterspell and it hasa difficulty rating of 4.

Banishing Charm

The incantation for this spell is Abigo. It is used to banish something that has been summoned. The counterspell is Accio and it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Door Sealing Charm

The incantation for this spell is Colloportus and it is used to seal up an open door. The counterspell is Alohomora and it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Confundus Jinx

The incantation for this spell is Confundus and it is used to confuse someone. There is no counterspell and it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Conjunctivitis Curse

The incantation for this spell is Conjunctivo. This spell gives the casters target conjunctivitis. The counterspell is Reparo and it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Severing Charm

The incantation for this spell is Diffindo. This severes or cuts anythig the caster targets. There is no counterspell and it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Engorgement Charm

The incantation for this spell is Engorgio. The spell causes things to swell greatly in size. The counterspell is the shrinking charm and it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Vanishing Charm

The incantation for this spell is Evanesco. It is used to make something you have infront of you disappear. The counterspell is the conjuring charm. And this incantation has a difficulty rating of 4.

Freezing Charm

The incantation for this spell is Glacio. The spell freezes things the caster points their wand at. The counterspell is Flagate and it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Impediment Jinx

The incantation for this spell is Impedementa. This spell is used to slow someone down. And the counterspell is unknown , it has a difficulty rating of 4.


The incantation for this spell is Levicorpus. This spell danglesthe target upside-down in mid-air by their ankles. The counterspell is Liberiacorpus and it has a difficulty rating of 4.


The incantation for this spell is Liberiacorpus. The spell is the counter spell to the Levicorpus jinx and it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Sheild Charm

The incantation for this spell is Protego. It is used to shield and defend the caster from oncoming curses and such. It has no counterspell and has a difficulty rating of 4.


The incantation for this spell is Reducio. And this cancels out the Engorgio Spell. The counterspell is Engorgio and it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Blasting Charm

The incantation for this spell is Reducto. It is used to blast solid objects out of the casters path. There is no counterspell and it hasa difficulty rating of 4.

Alarte Ascendare

The incantation for this spell is Alarte Ascendare. It is used to blast an object into the air. There is no counterspell. And it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Forearm Healing charm

The incantation for this spell is Braccium Imendo. It is usedto repair the broken forearm of a person. There is no counterspell and it has a difficulty rating of 4.

Imprisionment charm

The incantation for this spell is Incarcifors. Itis used to imprison an opponant. There is no counterspell and it as a difficulty rating of 4.

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