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Med-Unit 6

From The TimeSplitters Wiki

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Revision as of 13:19, 27 January 2007

Med-Unit 6
Unlocked by Defualt
Species Robot
Size Small
Accuracy 5 of 10
Agility 5 of 10
Stamina 5 of 10
Fire Proof 8 of 10
Shock Proof 2 of 10
Default AI 3 Stars
Native TimeZone 2243
First Appearance TSFP Story Mode
Relations INSETICK SD/10
Games TSFP
TS1 Gesture N/A TSFP Gesture Spins around with arms out, bleeping"
TS2 Gallery N/A TSFP Gallery he Ultra Net robots thought life at the base was becoming too serious,
  so med-units were introduced to give the place a more jolly atmosphere.

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