Wikihood 2/chars/Mitchell

From The Wikihood



Mitchell is a not-so popular character in the Homestar Runner franchise. He is never seen in the cartoons. Mitchell started off in Free Country, USA as a terrific athlete, somewhat similar to Homestar Runner. He is a secret spy in Homestarmy, and appareantly considers Homestar as some kind of idol.

He was originally a human in the world on "the other side of the computer screen", but was transported into the Homestar Runner website (via, white space). Due to his existance in the timeline, a new multiverse was created, which caused certain doom in the future. He has recently returned to his home, however the Homestar Runner characters have followed him.

Strong Bad is completely oblivious to the fact that Mitchell and The Cheat are against him, and enjoy spying on him and playing pranks. He is good friends with Strong Sad, Marzipan and Homsar. But he is the worst of enemies with Strong Mad and Strong Bad.

  • Dwelling: Smith Residence
  • Debut: Wiki User Email Mitchell

Captain Mitchell

Captain Mitchell (aka "Sir Mitchell," "Uncle Mitchell") is the Old-Timey counterpart of the Present-Day Mitchell. He has an upper-class English accent instead of his current accent of debatable origin.

His existance is only due to Mitchell's temporary existance in the Homestar Runner website. He hates the Strong Man and is scared of him. He is good friends with Sickly Sam, The Sneak and Old-Timey Marzipan.

  • Debut: Strong Mad Email (Easter Egg)
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