Wikihood 2/chars/Noid

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Noid is pretty much an enigma, wrapped inside a riddle, thrown into a vat of mystery, and stirred up clockwise. Add a pinch of salt and you're all good for some stew.

A probably in his 20's something red bunny rabbit that survives off of pizza, Noid comes in during Season 3 and probably has some good, good times. Noid is usually clueless to the events surrounding him and notices extraordinary things as pure mundane everyday occurences.

[edit] Jeffrack J. Noidscheat

Jeffrack J. Noidscheat, Noid's "pet" Cheat, is the kind of person that would stop you from riding that go-kart down the hill at the last minute. Has a larger brain than Noid. MUCH larger. Jeffy seems to be sort of invincible, taking hit after hit, but refusing to die.

[edit] Lloyd

Possibly a cold blooded assassin? Or maybe it's just an old childhood rival of Noid's? Who knows? Lloyd sure knows, but he's not telling. He's a rabbit like Noid, but his skin is electric green and a red L is printed on his waist. Has a deep, scratchy voice. Lloyd wishes to be in the Louie(LoE), although more than likely he would just pull a massive takeover if he was ever in it.

[edit] Clyde

Straight outta 20X6 and lost from Trogador, it's everybody's favorite Pac-Man ghost, Clyde(the orange one)! Is he a good guy, helping out Noid and his "friends" on their mysterious plights? Or is he just a probe, sent by Trogador to take over the past? Little from column A, little from column B.

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