Wikihood 2/chars/Sader

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Revision as of 10:42, 7 August 2008 by Strong Sader (Talk | contribs)
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[edit] Character

Strong Sader is a somewhat absentminded person. He is quite intelligent, and even helped Eric build the simulation, although his mind has been known to wander.

Due to a programming glitch, Strong Sader temporarily gained immortality, only to have to have it debugged out of him, and as a result, virtually killed to check whether the bug had been corrected or not.

Thanks to a program he has inserted, it is possible for him to return from the dead at the beginning of each new episode, but remains in ghost form for the remainder of the episode in which he has died.

Following the glitching of his code, two off his counterparts (Dark Sader and Meek Sader) were split from him. Dark Sader joined forses with Darlon to form the Legion of Evil, Wikihood's centeral protagonist group.

The Legion struck several times across the world, and captured all of Wikihood. Strong Sader escaped along with Ekul, but created several glitches in the process, which he corrected by jumping into the simulation's coding, stranding himself in the process. He used his admin powers to edit the coding from the inside and removing the same powers from Dark Sader before being captured by the LoE.

Currently: Stuck in the real world

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