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From The Order
Welcome to The Jedi Order's Wiki, The Jedi Order's encyclopedia that anyone can edit We currently have 71 articles | |
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Welcome to The Jedi Order's very own Wiki. This is an online encyclopedia dedicated to the clan {J} - The Jedi Order, a Jedi Knight Academy gaming community which first began in September 2003. This site can be edited to contain as much information as possible about The Jedi Order since it first began. | |
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Kirth Mawin is a former Jedi Knight of The Order. He was also a member of the Sith for a time, but eventually coming back to the light of The Order. Kirth Mawin was a valuble member to the Jedi. Showing great knowledge, understanding and leadership earned him a seat on the Jedi High Council. However this was only a short time, as Kirth had to leave The Order for personal reasons and went off into the galaxy. Later on in the year he returned, and taking his rank of Jedi Knight once more. | ![]() |
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