Weekly Timetable: Summer

From Tennis

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The arrangements below are under constant review as we are seeking to maximise court use and optimise arrangements for the majority of members. Please feed back any comments or suggestions for improvement to the committee.

Play outside of the times specified below is unregulated but please bear in mind that tournament matches take precedence if there is a court shortage. And please check the online court booking system through the club website. Club matches tend to be played on Sunday mornings. Junior matches often occur on Saturdays on the hard courts. Team practice takes place on at least two courts on Tuesday evenings.

Juniors have priority on four of the grass courts each weekday from 4pm to 6pm and Saturday mornings till noon.

  • Outside of these periods junior members are required to give way to adults if all the available grass courts are taken, but they may continue on hard courts if available. If the hard courts are also fully utilised Juniors will have to give way until enough courts become free to accommodate them.
  • During the winter months and floodlit hours, the above does not apply if the courts have been booked online. Whoever has booked online takes precedence.
Weekly Schedule 2010
(Events in black are for Adults; Junior events are in red.)
Day Time Activity
  • Fixed Fours
  • General Play
  • Team Practice (on at least two courts)
  • Social Mix-in Tennis
  • Adult Coaching (on hard courts for new members until 21st July)
  • Social Mix-in Tennis
  • Fixed Fours
  • Supervised Junior Mix-in (on hard courts)
  • Social Mix-in Tennis
  • Junior Coaching (on hard courts)
  • General Play
  • Social Mix-in Tennis
  • Social Mix-in Tennis, with tea at 16.00


  • Fixed Fours comprise a pre-arranged match of doubles. Fixed Fours take court priority on Monday and Thursday evenings, but members have to give way to tournament matches—both singles and doubles—if there is a shortage of courts.
  • In Social Mix-in Tennis, members play a set of doubles with whomever is available and then return to the clubhouse to await their next set. Allocation to a doubles group is based on order of arrival—i.e. length of waiting time—not ability. Members who play during these times are obliged to join the Mix-in. Members are requested not to play 'ropey-ladder' matches or Fixed Fours at these times. Juniors aged 14+ and of sufficient competence may enter the social mix-in tennis with equivalent status to adults, subject to committee approval. A list of approved juniors will be posted in the clubhouse.
  • During General Play, members may play singles or doubles games with pre-arranged partners. Only if all the courts are in use will singles games have to give way to doubles. Members only have to give way if there are matches and a shortage of courts.

See also

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