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National Security Agency (TV Superheroes)

From Stormravengaming

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The National Security Agency (NSA) within the TV Superheroes campaign differs from the real organization as depicted in the TV shows that define the game world, and as it has otherwise been used by the GM and players in crafting characters and stories.




The Department of Special Research (DSR) is a secret division of the NSA, tasked with investigating the occult and various "fringe sciences." NSA's interests in the Rambaldi artifacts are explored within the DSR.


From the 1970s into the 1990s, the Office of Strategic Operations (OSO) and its successor, the Office of Strategic Intelligence (OSI), were subdivisions of the NSA. Part of the responsibilities of these agencies was research into human enhancement programs. When the OSI was discontinued in the late 1990s, its human enhancement research division was absorbed into the main body of the NSA.






The NSA receives more research money than any other intelligence agency and is directly involved in researching and developing very advanced technologies that are unavailable to the general public. For example,

  • Field agents are trained in full-immersion hologram chambers with life-like realism;
  • Experimental nanotechnology is capable of successfully integrating with organic life forms, including humans.

The implications of these technologies on the world as a whole have not been explored.

Real Estate

The NSA field office in Atlantic City, New Jersey, is at 10th & Park.

The NSA has a safehouse in Berlin, Germany, at 221B Bäcker-Straße.



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