The Black Hammer and Scythe Union

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The Black Hammer and Scythe Union, aka BHSU, is composed of three main parts, these parts being Russia, China, and the fictional island of New Gabriel north of Australia. The BHSU is lead by self righteous philosophers and bureaucrats that seek better days through better ways and that there is always room for improvement while the general public is still safe and happy. They are the main communist force in the Grand Campaign and seek the down fall of all tyrants and has no doubt changed the course of history by entering the war.

The BHSU is infamous for it threatening and usage of super weapons, such as nuclear and biological missiles. The BHSU also rather make an entirely new weapon to counter and cripple a particular enemy rather then spend resources and better train soldiers or upgrade military.


The original BHSU started before the Grand Campaign took place. The BHSU was a rising communist political party in Russia, however, the communist party oddly was only backed up by aristocrats, but not by the general public that the communist party was trying to help. Obviously the general public of Russia were afraid of another USSR. The communist party finally rebelled openly against the government and became a sort of terrorist cell in Russia. Once more, oddly, it was lead by aristocrats. The person charged with the destruction of this terrorist cell, at that time known as the RHSU, Red Hammer and Scythe Union, was Brigadier General Yuri, who was an aristocrat himself. General Yuri took with him a childhood friend that had also attended military school with him, Colonel Vladimir. The two of them became heroes in Russia as they lead successful campaign in the eastern part of Russia where the RHSU had set up many training camps and bomb facilities. Vladimir seemed to enjoy the publicity, even though his family never belonged to the Russian aristocracy, and earned himself a political seat in the democratic system of Russia. Yuri often escaped the press and his most common and famous comment was, "No comment."

Yuri was growing annoyed with the war against the terrorists and organized a meeting with the RHSU leader, Chairman Peter. Chairman Peter was an old man who had a family back ground of serving Joseph Stalin during the USSR communist rise to power. Yuri decided to stay among the communist rebels for a week to better learn them. Chairman Peter's advisers thought Yuri a spy and Peter an idiot for letting a General getting away with such, but Chairman Peter saw something in Yuri and allowed him to take a tour of the rebel outposts and philosophy. Yuri found himself quickly converting to communist beliefs. When he joined he met Garth Jeroth a few short months before he was killed serving the RHSU, who was the father of Kelston Jeroth, who would later become the first BHSU Commanding Officer

When it was learned among the rest of Russia that Yuri had decided to side with the RHSU, it shocked the country and Colonel Vladimir was suspected of treason since Yuri was such a friend of his. Colonel Vladimir feared for his political career so he rallied and army and set out to destroy Yuri, but Yuri was waiting for him and the battle lead to a massacre of Vladimir's army. Vladimir was embarrassed and angry. Russia began to believe that the only reason there was success against the rebels was because of Yuri and Vladimir was just along for the ride leeching off of Yuri's success. This shame would never leave Vladimir through his political career. However, this only struck fear into western Russia at the thought that the great General Yuri was now with the rebels. After many long years, the RHSU would be defeated as a terrorist cell. Although they did continue as a political party, lead by Yuri, considering that Chairman Peter was killed during the war, as the WHSU, White Hammer and Scythe Union. However, during Joseph Stalin's time his greatest political enemy's held the color white, so Yuri would later change that. Meanwhile, Colonel Vladimir had climbed the political ladder and finally reached the top and became Prime Minister of Russia.

Yuri gave up the title of General and took up the title of Professor in his old age. Vladimir was considerably younger then Yuri, so often when Vladimir struck out against Yuri it seemed like the young scolding the old. Vladimir could not touch Yuri in any way without looking like a fool. Beaten by age, rank, status, blood, and schooling he had no hope as Prime Minister of defeating the communist political party. So, Vladimir made the practice of communism and the communist party illegal and further more had every member of the party exiled. During this time, it was the beginning of the Grand War.

The mass majority of people in Russia that were exiled went to China, including Professor Yuri, but only for a short time. Yuri spent a few years in China as the Grand War waged all around the world. Finally, Yuri decided to leave China and headed for a country north of Australia and South of China. As to where, it is unsure. However, when Yuri's plane circled above he found that one of the Grand War faction leaders had invaded the city. It is still unclear which faction. Yuri went to the cockpit where he met the Chinese pilot, Natalya, who was secretly a supporter of Communism in China. She recognized Yuri immediately, but Yuri was more occupied with defending the city and went about making bombs in the back of the plane out of the alcoholic drinks on the plane. Natalya naturally was impressed and frightened by Yuri, even in his old age.

Down below in the city, just as the invasion began, was the celebration party of a democratic victory as the mayor of the city, Joseph Loxodon, was enjoying his reelection. Joseph Loxodon realized that his city was being invaded and immediately began calling the police forces to aid the militia, despite their protest. Loxodon was a hard headed man and armed each of his campaign workers with rifles, shot guns, and hand guns that had been in his family for many generations and set about as a squadron across the city actually able to take on the invading forces who were heavily armored and carrying automatic weaponry by using gorilla tactics. Naturally, the supporters of Loxodon's political train were impressed, but not suprised as that's why they elected him in the first place.

Natalya landed the plane and Yuri using daring tactics to arm Natalya and the supporters of Communism that had followed him on his way to this new city, one of them being Kelston. As both Loxodon's men and Yuri's men fought through the fray and broke the back bone of the invasion. When the two leaders met up with each other and shook hands, and introduced each other, they had a long talk at a local coffee shop little more then an hour after the end of the invasion. Loxodon had the money, power, and support, to allow the third reincarnation of the Communist political party. Naturally, Loxodon's campaign workers said they'd only follow Loxodon and Natalya, Kelston, and the rest of Yuri's entourage said they'd only follow Yuri. However, Yuri stepped down and gave the rank of Chairman in the political party to Loxodon as Yuri thought himself too old to continue as a leader.

The end of the first season of Grand Campaign began to come and the third form of the Communist Party, now the BHSU, Black Hammer and Scythe Union, was rising in power and gathering supporters as both Fascism and Democracy failed to end the great conflict. The BHSU centralized itself in New Gabriel's deserts where Malock, a man who knew the black market better then his own mother, provided weapons and equipment to the BHSU rebels. The rebels became active and made little progress among engagements to cities, but did save a number of allied soldiers from certain doom. The BHSU gained power when the continent of Pangaea was destroyed and Loxodon finally came out of hiding and showed himself publicly as the leader of the BHSU.

The Voltor invasion of Port Hampshire, a city in New Gabriel, came the BHSU rallied immediately and fortified all of New Gabriel. With the aid of allies, the Voltor suffered their first ever defeat and fled Port Hampshire while the BHSU reigned as the controlling faction of New Gabriel, once more, becoming even stronger. The BHSU began to train special units, like the Hack3rs to counter their enemies. Russia enters the plot once more as Vladimir still Prime Minister struggling to contain the zombie infestation that occupied Europe out of Russia. Vladimir was successful, but the death toll of his soldiers was catastrophic. Prof. Yuri returns to Russia and convinces Vladimir that it is over as once more the supporters of communism in Russia were growing due to an economic crash that ruined even the aristocrats. Russia joined the BHSU.

The dramatic rising power of the BHSU frightened many and the Nazi forces GC invaded Russia. The BHSU built Tesla Shields that made these Nazi's most powerful weapon, missile bombardments, useless and ineffective. Later on China joined the BHSU and invaded India, Japan, and Mongolia. Japan rebuffed China without challenge, India proved uncooperative, but Mongolia fell without any challenge. The Sylver Knights, allies of the BHSU, attacked New Gabriel with the forces formerly used to protect Port Hampshire against the Voltor. The BHSU was unmerciful and unsympathetic to these traitors and burned the captured soldiers alive before withdrawing their invasions of Japan, India, and Mongolia, but China remained in the BHSU. The BHSU is still unforgiving of the Sylver Knight's actions.

The BHSU went through through the campaign without any real rise or fall until the formation of the NeoSoviet Union in which the BHSU brought together many third party factions that neither supported the Imperium or the SS. The NeoSoviet's rise also meant that this alliance controlled the most land out of any alliance, holding both most of Africa and Asia as well as holding the most land in the Indian Ocean and a great portion of Europe due to Russia. Loxodon took active place as Chairman and began making plans to revolutionize the lesser NeoSoviet members and also created a Space Program to bring the NeoSoviets together and make them stronger.

During their current rise to power, they have shown growing distaste for the Imperium, Firefoxes, and generally all their former allies not in the NeoSoviet Union. The BHSU has showed no open hostility, but has yet to send any forces to aid their ailing allies and even sided with a few of their enemies. For what reason is unknown, but the BHSU has currently showed no open hostility.


Chairman Joseph Loxodon: The leader of New Gabriel, the BHSU, and the NeoSoviet Union. He was originally a mayor for a large city before it was invaded and mostly destroyed. He met Yuri and Yuri was impressed by his ability to command, organize, and manage as well as his vast knowledge for military and science. Loxodon is a known for his brutality in handling enemies and his caring, kind, generous, and soft, but extremely strict, nature to his allies. He has a deep hatred for Fascism and Dictatorship, but no hatred for Democracy or a Bureaucracy, Monarchy, or Hierarchy. The only government system that appeals to Loxodon is Communism. Loxodon has been known to go to extremes without care of the consequences.

Mr. Wong: The current leader of China and Mongolia. Mr. Wong joined the BHSU in hopes of bringing back the dead economy of China to its former glory since he was in control of several businesses until America launched an embargo against China and all of its other buyers fell to the Grand War. Mr. Wong came to power in a democratic fashion, but China had already started to turn many provinces into communist and many people joined the army just so they would have food, but the army was even turning down applicants because they could not support them. Mr. Wong only takes care of China's economy now and cares not what happens to the common people or military, so he leaves that to Shin Fai.

Prime Minister Vladimeir: Professor Yuri's rival in the early RHSU revolutions. He is responsible for exiling the communist supporters out of Russia. Vladimeir did not care what government Russia truly served under so long as he was in power, but this choice forced him to commit a crime against his friend Yuri so he could retain his political power. Later on, however, a zombie invasion forced him to side with the BHSU in promise of ridding the zombie threat. This proved true, but due to Joseph Loxodon's long stay in Russia, he has nearly lost all of his power in Russia and has little say over anything any more.

Professor Yuri: One of the founders of the modern day BHSU and member of the first BHSU communist party back in Russia. He served as a Brigadier General in Russia until he joined a rebellion and was later exiled. He met Joseph Loxodon and then created modern day BHSU. Yuri has raised moral through his charismatic speeches and often gone a bit unorthodox in his handling of enemy factions. For instance, the Machine Union contacted the BHSU and Yuri followed through, "The BHSU formally declares <censored> off" followed by Yuri giving the bird to the Machine Union leader.

Doctor Caleb: Caleb is the grand son of Professor Yuri and rarely makes appearances. Caleb is a cyber genius, unlike his grand father, who is responsible for the Hack3r unit of the BHSU. Caleb also designed the first space compatible ship for the BHSU, originally meant to help in an invasion against the Voltor's space fortress, but the invasion was never launched. Caleb usually works on projects that Yuri is too busy pay attention to.

Kelston Jeroth: The first active member of the BHSU that lost everything to the cause. However, Yuri often reminds Kelston not to think of things as a loss so much as a sacrifice. Kelston was born in the bad part of Moscow. A few months after his birth his mother was killed for supporting the rising RHSU political party in a street alley. In result Garth, Kelston's father, became a RHSU fanatic and joined the rebel group when it rose up. Garth died during a rebel attack, being one of the rebels, and Kelston later lost his girl friend during a battle. In which case, Kelston became one of the most loyal members of the WHSU and later on a CO in the BHSU under Yuri's leadership.

Natalya: She was a secret Communist supporter and conveniently working as a pilot in China. Natalya met Yuri in a fateful plane she was piloting and fought off invading forces on a city and met Joseph Loxodon. She would later join the rebel BHSU and serve as the air force commander, having once been a Chinese military pilot herself in the past.

Malock: The former BHSU supplier. He is a master of the black market and rumored to still work in the black market so as to send uranium for the BHSU to use to make their nuclear missiles. Malock now is charged with the protection of New Gabriel's ancient pyramids and protecting many top secret BHSU facilities, one of which is the BHSU's secret maximum security prison. Malock only remains in the BHSU because after seeing this prison camp he is afraid to leave and be suspected of treason.

Captain Duris: The leader of the BHSU's Fur Legion. The refugees of the destroyed continent of Pangaea that arrived in New Gabriel were mostly mobians and Duris the only one with any former military training. As a result, Duris was promoted to Captain. Even at such a low rank he reigns as the commanding officer for the Fur Legion. Duris is a poor commanding officer that is rarely sent into battle due to his lack of knowledge in military tactics. His men are always heavily equipped in weaponry, but never equipped with medical supplies or armor and tends to run short on rations from time to time and requires the assistance and generosity of either Natalya or Kelston in such scenarios.

Admiral Roland: A very fat CO that once made Loxodon comment, "His own flotation device." Admiral Roland shows the poor state of the BHSU's rank tree in the navy, but they have been recovering and Admiral Roland has showed himself to be a very effective naval commander despite his lack in handling unique enemy units or enemy air force.

General Shin Fai: The leader of China's armies. Before he was only the leader of China's Black Guard and the People's Army, however he soon came in control of all branches after many Chinese Generals stepped down in elderly age. Shin Fai was the only one who remained and it is rumored that he is training other Chinese Generals.

General Ivan: The General of all of Russia's forces. He is an elderly man who does not tolerate excuses or failure. His brute methods are as mean as he is aged. Ivan has a deep hatred for anyone that challenges the Mother Land and was always a supporter of communism, he just never took an active role. When the BHSU came to power, he acted as a mole in the Russian government and is responsible for contacting Yuri when Russia was at its knees and needed the BHSU or die.

Russian Spies: There are three Russian spies: Aleksandra, Eric, and Mr. X. Aleksandra is an intelligence gathering expert and often goes on covert mission. Eric is a weapons specialist, cyber master, and retired mech pilot. Mr. X is a person no one is quite sure about. It is rumored that he was the leader of Yuri's Radicals back in the RHSU days, but that has yet to be proven.

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