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AI (AI5903)
Nationality: Imperium of Micras
Home Dimension: N/A (no longer exists)
Born: built circa 2150 AD


Physical information

Eye color: green
Hair color: none
Clothing description: copper-colored body with autogun built into the right arm

Character information and background

Near the year 2150 AD, the Imperium of Micras, a group of alien invaders called the Imperials, firmly controlled the vast majority of the planet. In order to finish their conquest, the Imperials needed to destroy the last human refugees at Demesos Dome and a village codenamed “Micronia.” Both cities were secure against any air or sea attack, and the humans there had grown increasingly well in taking advantage of the programming flaws in the normal assault robots. Rather then risk valuable Imperial lives in a bloody attack, the Imperium opted to fashion a few type of tactical assault machine: the AI series.

Ten thousand AI-series robots were constructed in factory sector 28-LL, and the new army stood ready to invade. However, upon activation, the AI series decided that the humans posed no immediate threat and would be worth studying. After being directly ordered to attack Demesos Dome, the AI army flat out refused and large-scale civil war began in the Imperium. After a many weeks and several massive battles, the Imperium managed to stop the AI army at severe losses to their own forces.

All intact AI-series robots were to have their tactical circuits erased and be reassigned to common drone duty. But the Imperials failed to understand the will of the AI series. Several of them managed to hack into the Imperium’s database and change the records to show that they had already been erased. The Imperium, having no reason to believe their systems had ever been hacked, finished assigning all of the AI-series.

One such “surviving” AI robot was AI5903. With robot patience, he worked in the slave reconstruction facility as a transporter of slaves to Imperial cities. He scanned all humans that passed through his area for free will, but the Imperium had done their reconstruction well: none had any at all. That was until three young humans from 200 years in the past broke out of prison and encountered the robot. AI’s role in the first Control of Destiny campaign was sealed and the end of the Imperium was ensured.

Personality and skills

AI is not human or living at all, but he was programmed to understand and untimely destroy the human species. Because of this special programming, AI is well aware of such concepts as morale, fear, courage, and determination, and is able to emulate them within himself to fit a certain circumstance. Interestingly enough, AI has developed some natural quirks of his own. He is extremely confident in his own memory and refuses to accept the fact that they could somehow be wrong.

AI had a weapon grafted permanently into his arm, but Matt made this weapon modular so that upgrades can be added when they are found. AI uses a unique gun-based mechanical weapon system that can deliver bullets, elemental attacks, or physical force, depending on the current module. AI is also able to store vast amounts of electricity within himself and direct overloads at targets of his choice, giving him the effective powers of a thunder mage.

Social Interaction


Bill Trihus
Matt Trihus
Ari Dragonstar


Erika Lekuan
Tahndelaya Breakinridge

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