Soloralist Essays

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This page is devoted to various essays related to Soloralism.

My Soloralism, Your Soloralism

By Philip Locke

When I first was introduced to Soloralism I was interested by its mythology and some of its concepts. However, I thought that the concept of polytheism was as ridiculous as monotheism. Myself being an agnostic, I could not accept miconational gods any easier than I could accept those that exist macronationally.

However, the more I read the more I realized that Soloralism isn't really about worshipping gods. In fact, it is the perfect religion for an agnostic or even an atheist person. I do not claim the Soloralist gods are real. However, I think that they (like the Quintessences) represent human characteristics, emotions, and tendencies. And, through their study and (to an extent) praise, one can learn about our own selves. I am the priest of Intyale because I believe in creativity and art. I cannot verify the existence of Intyale, but I do believe in the ideals that he represents. Soloralism is the ideal religion for both the religious and the unreligious. For those that believe in other ("false") gods, you need believe only in the principles of the gods and the idea behind the Quintessences. For the unreligious like myself, Soloralism provides an outlit for belief which may be much needed as well as paragons of virtue (in some cases non-virtue) to look up to.

I urge all of you that are skeptics to consider this and take the greatest plunge- joining the Church.

And Intyale said to the skeptic, 'I am as real as you, my child. And we are as real as that which was, that which is, and that which will be.' The god paused and gave a slight grin. "And we are as real as that which never was, that which is not, and that which never ever shall be.'
- The Book of Intyale

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