Maggie Simpson

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little Maggie Simpson


Maggie Simpson the yougest Simpson.She is one and in the opening credits her value is $847.63 (or in the new one NRA4ever=Natioal Rifle Assiotion forever). Her best friend is the TV,Enemies with Gerald (the monobrow baby). Her idol is the TV and her first word was ‘Daddy’. She also SHOT MR. BURNS!!!

Name: Margaret Simpson

Personality traits: Sucking her pacifier continuously, watching and copying TV (e.g. hitting Homer over the head with a mallet).

Future personality trait: Someone with an amazing voice.
Maggie as a teenager


Sucking her pacifier.


High for a baby - she can spell EMCSQU (E=MC²) on her blocks , can write her name on an Etch-a-sketch , and can drive a car .

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