Maggie Simpson

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Revision as of 21:19, 27 March 2007 by Bartman (Talk | contribs)
little Maggie Simpson


Maggie Simpson the yougest Simpson.She is one and in the opening credits her value is $847.63 (or in the new one NRA4ever=Natioal Rifle Assiotion forever). Her best friend is the TV,Enemies with Gerald (the monobrow baby). Her idol is the TV and her first word was ‘Daddy’.

Name: Margaret Simpson

Personality traits: Sucking her pacifier continuously, watching and copying TV (e.g. hitting Homer over the head with a mallet).

Future personality trait: Someone with an amazing voice.
Maggie as a teenager


Sucking her pacifier.


High for a baby - she can spell EMCSQU (E=MC²) on her blocks , can write her name on an Etch-a-sketch , and can drive a car .

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