
From Shahara

This page gives details of the roles and general subject areas of each official staffer. These are not universal controls

  • Jules
  • Contact Info:
  • Why in the world do you work here?:
  • Torgo
  • Contact Info: email
  • Why in the world do you work here?: Because I damn well feel like it! >:|!.. And I don't have many other places to go where I can hang out and RP with my friends, compensating for loneliness by inserting myself into a fantasy world that allows me to express my creativity and frustration in a safe, controlled environment. Or.. Something psychological like that.
  • Mulder
  • Contact Info: In-game @mail
  • Why in the world do you work here?: Looks good on my MUSH credentiae to be staffin' multiple places. Really, I'm in it for the DMing. I love to write plots, but get to participate in them only rarely. Hopefully someone else will DM me some here.
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