Maxmillian Krisna Deveraux

From Secondheaven

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Name Deveraux, Maxmillian Krisna ("Max")
Age 17
Birthday February 18th, 1991
Home Jakarta, Indonesia
Height 6'0"
Weight 145 lbs
Family Father, mother, younger sister (Anne)
Languages English, French, Indonesian [fluent], Japanese [textbook/anime]
Visible Marks Cuts and scrapes from playing sports, nothing major.
Not readily visible Marks N/A.
Year 2
Rank 15 (tested), 7 (current)
Dorm 1-C
History World History
Elective Music
Path N/A
Clubs Anime (S 5-?), Astronomy (F midnight), Tech (W 2.30-3)
Sports Track (Sp/Su/Fall M-F 2.30-3.30), Basketball (W/Sp T/Th 4.30-6.30), American Football (Fall T/Th 6.45-9, S 12-3).
Played By Shim ChangMin
Journal harmlessfall



Max is a typical cute-and-clumsy nerd. His hair is dark brown to black, most of the time sunburned. His thin, lanky frame makes him look taller than he actually is and somewhat breakable (which is only half-true). Max holds up an easy, non-defensive posture, sometimes slouched when he doesn't realize it. He usually wears a friendly expression, except on Monday mornings, when he just looks like a zombie -- courtesy of all-morning leveling-up on his latest MMORPG obsession. Max alternates between using glasses and contacts.


A normal day in Max's life was 18 hours of various activities and 6 hours (or less) of sleep. He might look spacey sometimes, but he always paid attention in class because class-time consisted of 90% of his study time.

Max was adopted at 2 years old. The papers said that his mother was a part of Khmer regime refugees. The papers also listed no name, so Max only knew himself by the name The Deveraux gave him. No one really knew what racial mixture he was. Max knew he was half Cambodian; the other half was a toss-up between Chinese or Caucasian.

Les Deveraux were French philanthropists cum fans of Indonesian culture; hence, Maxmillian was conveniently moved to Indonesia at fairly young age. He went to international schools, not skipping any grade despite his intelligence because his parents weren't "those" kind of parents. His family was a loving, funky kind with their personal idiosyncrasies. His parents were lax but not negligent, and their only worry was due to the fact that Max hadn't shown any interest to girls (or boys) up until this day, only his games/TV/books/sports and, of course, food.

Max was blessed with a very odd metabolism. He could eat as much as he wanted and not gain a pound. This habit worried his parents, so they prompted him to join various kinds of sports. Boy loved them - especially basketball. Otherwise, Max breezed through his education very easily, so his parents agreed on sending him to a more challenging school. Cue Second Heaven :D


'Keywords': tolerant, friendly, happy, scared of girls, 'hungry', nerdy, athletic, a bit panicky.

Max looks like your normal teenager trying to enjoy life... but he's really not that normal. He's a genius -- excellent with numbers and has very strong recall ability. He also has a stellar aptitude for learning: math, music, sports, games, anything learnable. However, he's not ambitious or possessing any long-term goal. He just excels in whatever he wants to excel in while trying to maintain his grades at the same time because he doesn't want to disappoint his parents.

Max is kind of geeky. He has his sides - old comic books, techie stuff, sci-fi shows, etc (not a Trekkie or a Star Wars fan). Also a regular in MMORPGs like WoW and RO. However, Max also spends time in various sports, clubs, and then some -- including hanging around home ec (with his laptop) to beg for food. Max has okay social skills; he can be cute in his own way -- as long as he doesn't realize that he's speaking with a girl. This doesn't mean he can't be friends with girls, he just needs to pretend that they're not girls. Once he realizes that they are, though, with girlparts, he shuts down. Cue stammering, blushing, and running away.

He's mostly coaxable into anything, as long as there's enough food involved.

Other Information

Why Second Heaven?

Parents' suggestion.

Favorites and Likes

  • Color: doesn't really care, but if he must choose: dark green.
  • Food: just about everything :|
  • Activity: eating
  • Subject: Science without a side of Terre Caine :(
  • Other Likes: The X-Files, House M.D., learning in general, tinkering with machines, running, basketball, games, his laptop, his big, slobbery, idiot of a dog, food, more food, his guitar.

Least Favorites and Dislikes

  • Color: N/A.
  • Food: Nothing.
  • Activity: wasting food.
  • Subject: ... none. Science with a side of Terre Caine?
  • Other Dislikes: Smoke, stale food, shopping ...





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