Rpcvdraft talk:Community Portal

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Rcollman (Talk | contribs)
(Is this of value?)

Current revision as of 13:32, 5 January 2008


"Now, truly guys, is that of value to anyone?" My answer "We don't know yet, but if we don't gather it, the decision becomes a mute point."

This is sort of our Face Book or U tube for the future to consider. Each of us was and is different and who knows what our "collective conscience" will reveal through what we might think individually as trivia or mere ho hum records of daily life. What each of us have chosen to remember is a statement, not only about ourselves but about that time and, I believe, our culture.

Having said that, emails and certainly the WikiFON could be our collective "Infamous Peace Corps post card". That is also what the question raises for me.

Good question. And I think "The Post Card" was painful for some but valuable to many. How brave or naive are we to enter the unknown once again? --Chris C. 08:32, 5 January 2008 (EST)

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