Television/Jon and Kate Plus 8/Anonymous's Review

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User Rating: *

[edit] Review

America is going to Hell in a handbasket, and we can thank shows like this for throwing us into the flames. Everyone around me seems to cherish this programme, and I have no idea why. I'm not a cynic, but this show just pisses me off.

This is obviously exhibitionist. These people can't stop talking about their lives and clearly want to be in the spotlight. Not only do they have a show (that airs almost constantly), but they have a book called "Multiple Blessings" and a long-winded website (

What really disturbs me about this show is how much people worship it. Why not create a reality show about Iraq and Afghanistan veterns struggling to recover from their psychological and physical wounds? What about cancer victims fighting their relentless illness? We have important things in America. Besides, a family of eight children isn't all that big. I've seen families with nearly double that.

So, in conclusion, I just cannot find this show watchable. It is self-promotional and uninteresting.

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