Movies/Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb/Anonymous's Review

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User Rating: * * * * *

[edit] Review

Never in my whole life have I seen such a perfect blend of comedy and tragedy.

Dr. Strangelove is about a General who goes crazy and orders an attack on the USSR. There is mass confusion, and a large attempt to stop a B-52 bomber that is hell-bent on delivering its payload. Amazingly, Peter Sellers plays three roles: Captain Mandrake, President Muffley, and Dr. Strangelove, a wheelchair-bound ex-Nazi with alien hand syndrome. He is excellent in each one.

Innuendo names, farces, and all sorts of satire are abound, and it is all hilarious. But at the end, I garuntee you won't be laughing. It is funny and powerful, a must-see.

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