
From Realmofthemuse

Revision as of 23:56, 4 November 2007 by Violet (Talk | contribs)
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  • Looks really good on paper: school secretary (passed fingerprinting and a background check and everything), volunteers as a docent at the city art museum (and has had a couple of works shown there), about to finish a double major in criminal justice and art history (long story).
  • Also a writer, conceptual artist, general wisearse, and notorious consumer of dark beers, supermarket ports and brandies, and cheap champagnes.
  • Lifelong Doctor Who fan. Also enjoys reading, music, yelling at televised sports matches, true crime books, crime dramas, and making fun of people who say they like long walks on the beach and candlelit dinners.
  • Exceedingly patient RPer. Will not harass for threads or tags. Demands the same consideration in return.
  • Loves nothing more than tossing ideas back and forth. Always up for plottage; could spend hours geeking out over a muse's storyline, timeline, biography, motivations, etc.
  • Can be contacted via the OOC contact post at any of her muse's journals.
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