Narcissistic Personality Type
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Contents |
Definition, Synonyms, Analogous
Definition: Confidence in onself or one's abilities (AHD).
Synonyms: Confidence, assurance, self-assurance, self-possession, aplomb (MW, 720).
Analogous: Composure, equanimity, sureness, sanguineness (ibid).
Character Strengths and Virtues
Attributes of the idealized self
- Self-regard, self-respect, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, self-belief.
- Self-love, self-esteem, dignity.
- Ambition, aspiration.
- Political prudence, artful management, sagacity, shrewdness, suavity, smoothness, urbanity, diplomacy.
- Competitiveness, stamina, resilience.
- Magnificence, high-mindedness, stature.
- Purposefulness, imagination.
- Self-awareness, truthfulness.
- Poise, self-possession, self-assurance, self-command, aplomb.
Traits and Behaviors
Self-trusting, expecting favorable treatment, ambitious, political, competitive, status-seeking, self-idealizing, self-aware, poised.
Likes and Dislikes
being admired, aggrandizement, being special, being unique, status, superior image, superiority, special favors, favorable treatment, prestige, dispensations, privileges, prerogatives, acknowledgment of superiority by others, being above the rules, glory, wealth, position, power, success, ambition, competitiveness.
being scorned, being criticized, being seen as common, being ordinary, being seen as inferior, failure, others not according them admiration and respect.
(Beck, Freeman & associates, 1990, pp. 361-362, modified)
- I am a special person.
- I am entitled to special treatment and privileges.
- I don't need to be bound by the rules that apply to other people.
- It is important to get recognition, praise, and admiration.
- Others should respect my status.
- Other people should satisfy my needs.
- Other people should recognize how special I am.
- I shoiuld be accorded my due respect and get what I'm entitled to.
- Other people probably don't deserve the admiration or riches that they get.
- People should not criticize me.
- Others' needs should not interfere with my own.
- Since I am talented, people should promote my career.
vOnly people as smart as I am understand me.
- I have good reason to expect grand things.
- self-centered
- believe in themselves
- desire status, image, power
- averse to criticism
- ambitious
- political
- social
- gifted leaders
- motivate
- competitive
Management Style
xxxx xxxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
- Performers
- Broadcasters
- Politicians
- Careers where you influence others
- Good at being loved
- Resolution of conflict difficult; without sensitivity little of no reason:
- to change position
- to sacrifice needs
Good model of:
- Self-esteem
- Ambition
- Drive
- Self-discipline
- Social success
Good/Bad Matches
- Devoted
- Self-Sacrificing
- Sensitive
- Dramatic
- Vigilant
- Leisurely
- Adventurous
- Aggressive
- Mercurial
- Serious
- Self-Confident
- Conscientious
- temper
- envious
- but controlled
- powerful emotions and attraction
- Self-Discipline
- Self-controlled
Real World
- The world is their stage.
- Their vulnerability is grandiosity.
Areas that may need improvement
- Self-examination
- Seeing yourself as others see you
- Handling criticism
- Empathizing
- Interesting yourself in others
Other Areas of interest
- Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Noteworthy Examples
Horatio Alger, Lou Andreas-Salome, Ted Bundy, Neal Cassady, Bill Clinton, Cindy Crawford, Leonardo DiCaprio, Benjamin Franklin, Clark Gable, Paul Gauguin, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Joseph Heller, Robert Hogan, Whitney Houston, Tom Jones, Melanie Klein, Michael Landon, Thomas Edward Lawrence, Bruce Lee, General Douglas MacArthur, Thomas Mann, Jeffrey Masson, Paul McCartney, Henry Miller, Joe Montana, Elvis Presley, Christopher Reeve, Burt Reynolds, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Cybill Shepherd, Brooke Shields, O. J. Simpson, Sitting Bull, Sylvester Stallone, Sharon Stone, Leo Tolstoy, Donald Trump, Richard Wagner, Denzel Washington, Oscar Wilde.
- The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (1981, c.1969). William Morris, Ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
- Aaron T. Beck, Arthur Freeman, and Associates (1990). Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders. New York : Guilford Press.
- Aaron T. Beck, Arthur Freeman, Denise D. Davis, (2004). Cognitive Therapy of Personality Disorders. 2nd. edition. New York: Guilford.
- Merriam-Webster (1984). Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms: A Dictionary of Discriminated Synonyms with Antonyms and Analogous and Contrasted Words. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.
- John M. Oldham and Lois B. Morris (1995). The New Personality Self-Portrait: Why You Think, Work, Love and Act the Way You Do. New York: Bantam.
- David Shapiro (1965). Neurotic Styles. New York: Basic Books.

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