
From Phonology

語音學上,語音降階(downstep-phonetics)用以表示在聲調語言之音節與字詞之間,其聲調上之音位、或語音的"向下轉移"之特性。西非的語言上語音降階是廣為人所知曉的,但是日語(一種非聲調的語言)的音調重音現象是非常類似於非洲語言裡的語音降階特性。語音降階是對比於一般比較少出現的語音升階之語音特徵。在國際音標裡"語音降階"的符號是用一個上標的向下指箭頭來表示,不過目前Unicode還沒有支援這種符號。一般我們可以看到是用一個上標的感嘆號 ! 來替代它。


Phonemic downstep may occur when a low tone is 語音省略, or occurs as a 浮動聲調, and leaves a following tone at a lower level than it would otherwise be. 班巴拉語裡有一個例子出現。在這個語言裡,定冠詞是以一種浮動的低聲調型態來表現。With a noun in isolation, it docks to the preceding vowel, turning a high tone into a falling tone: [bá] river; [bâ] the river. However, when it occurs between two high tones, it downsteps the following tone: [bá tɛ́] it's not a river; [bá tɛ́] it's not the river.

Japanese pitch accent is similar. About 80% of Japanese words have an evenly rising pitch, something like French, which carries over onto following unstressed grammatical particles. However, a word may have a drop in pitch between 莫拉, or before the grammatical particle. 範例如下:


In isolation like this, the first word has a high-low pitch, whereas the second and third are homonyms with a low-high pitch. 然而,當後接所謂"主語性"的不變詞 ga:,以致造成所有三個語詞是不相同的。


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